os_anm slateford os_anm is a lo-resolution pixel animation tool. It is partly based on two 'old time' digital media: the lo-resolution of early computer terminals and 'teletext' [a digital information system available on British television channels], and the command-line interface of UNIX and DOS. It takes the functional limitations which characterised the look and feel of such systems as conscious aesthetic parameters from which os_anm is developed.
Animations can be created in the tool or hand coded.
os_anm supports its own scripting language which follows the syntax of old BASIC and assembler programming languages.
feature about this project: os_anm
project homepage: http://systemsapproach.net/artware/os_anm/
keywords: unix-lowtech-ascii-open_source-old_time_code- grey software for mac and java
category: digital aesthetics r&d/low tech
uploaded by slateford, 28 Feb 2003