runme faq
Q: What is Software Art?
A: The term is still under construction. In fact, the aim of this site is to define it through the projects it is hosting.
By now, we can suggest some related quotes:
"... software art could be generally defined as an art:
- of which the material is formal instruction code, and/or
- which addresses cultural concepts of software..."
Florian Cramer, Concepts, Notations, Software, Art
"The definition ... for Software Art is that it
incorporates projects in which self-written algorithmic computer software
... is not merely a functional tool, but is itself an artistic creation."
Transmediale 01
the basis of each piece of software there are definite algorithms, but if conventional programs are instruments serving purely pragmatic purposes, the result of the work of artistic programs often finds itself outside of the pragmatic and the rational. "
Olga Goriunova and Alexei Shulgin,
Artistic Software for Dummies ...
"Software culture is the living culture of programmers and users, as active participants in a world of or mediated by software. In its heart it circumscribes the field of intensive immaterial production, if on the level of coding, use, speculation or critical reflection and at the periphery every aspect of human life which is somehow driven or controlled by software. Software art is reflecting the realities and potentials of this culture."
Pit Schultz, from a closed mailing list discussion.
If you have your own opinion on the subject, please share it with us.
Q: Who can submit projects?
A: In fact, everybody can. You can submit your own projects, projects of your friends and even projects of people you don't know but admire their work.
Q: Does my project qualify for Runme.org?
A: If you have doubts, please contact us.
Q: I don't understand how Runme.org categories are compatible with each other. What are the criteria for their selection? What is the difference between categories and keywords?
A: Categories represent the most important issues that are commonly addressed in the works of software art. In a way, categories are the most significant keywords that are used to describe the works of software art.
Categories are products of a practial and ideological mindset, not a theoretical one.
A category often refers to the field the project came from (Perl programming, gallery installation, political activism, etc.), that is why categories might represent different approaches to classification.
Thus, categories are aimed at encouraging authors with different backgrounds to submit their projects.
Authors here perform the active role of context developers, and not the passive role of acting as objects of classification, description, and curation. That is why those categories that don't get many remarkable entries might be deleted (not the projects they contain!), those that are not appropriately named will be renamed, and new ones will be created according to the needs of software art community.
Categories are meant for software art development, rather than for its storage.
Keywords elaborate the description of the project further, open up its meanings, and, most importantly, contribute to the software art discursive field.
Q: What if my project doesn't fall under existing categories?
A: You can suggest your own subcategory while submitting the project. If you would like to suggest a category, please contact us.
Q: What if my project doesn't correspond to any of the existing keywords?
A: You can create your own keyword(s) while submitting your project.
Q: I have submitted my work, but it doesn't appear in the database.
A: Please wait a few days for our administrators to check out your project.
Q: Does Runme.org accept Flash and Demo projects?
A: Most Flash and Demo projects aren't appropriate for Runme.org. There are many Flash- and Demo-related resources on the Internet, please try
them. If you still think that Runme.org is the right place for your project,
submit it and it will be examined.