Pellow rethread.art Pellow is an interactive installation that reveals what happens under the hood of a web browser when you visit web pages. When you browse, the browser communicates with many different pages and companies around the world. Pellow lets you see and hear the browser interacting with many other machines all over the world to fetch all of the content. You get a chance to observe where this content comes from and how many organizations and machines around the globe are solicited to deliver the web page that you want.
Pellow is a software art installation designed and developed by the rethread.art collective.
The installation is named after Nicola Pellow. She is an Internet pioneer who programmed the second web browser ever created, in 1991: the Line Mode Browser.
Photo credit: Anna Gerdén, Tekniska museet
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download here | report broken link project homepage: https://rethread.art/projects/pellow.html
keywords: visual-open_source-installation-html-www- sound-javascript-http-code
category: browser art
uploaded by bDrx, 13 Oct 2020