keyword installation twenty-seven projects
define a sub-genre! limit your selection further with another keyword: sound audiovisual multiuser musical performance java mac conceptual authorship imagery c algorithmic speech open_source flash stream python eccentric on-line windows patterns consciousness Mapping love ascii 1996 simulation philosophical lowtech serial live religious minimalistic automation realtime metaphysical trivial psychedelic metaphorical apocalyptic pragmatic mathematical formalist lingo interface hardware process interactive templates plagiaristic ironic copyright MIDI 1990s amiga 1980s historical visual linux generative unix beos porn body surveillance aesthetics nude 1960s information deconstructive paranoid decorative pop_culture criticism fractal anti_information glitch design genetic binary abstract PHP gadgety sharing network database sexy passionate email symbiosis random hackerly virus intuitive utility archive film found_object Google semantic dangerous instructive death 3d social abuse performative active stimulation lawyer_resistant presence probability trash friendly chaos mindware code collaborative modal remix community representation violence screensaver illegal cute drugs sampling countercultural capitalism surreal perl subversive archetype subjectivity dada irc filesharing talking messaging programming text_manipulation typing javascript disturbing dysfunctional efficient psychiatric collaboration poetry political tv news robot RSS html
UNMOVIE, Ax. Heide, Onesandzeros, Ph. Pocock, Gr. Stehle
Non_sensor, Influenza (Rafael Marchetti and Raquel Rennó)
club.ware, christina goestl and boris kopeinig
WALLRIGHT, Diana Antunes, Flávia Neves, João Filipe, Luis Confraria, Nuno Caldeira