stack robert lisek STACK is the simple program (and interactive installation) in wich the users operate the erector sets [objects such as latin alphabet, japanise hiragana, alephs, runes and source code of the program itself].
The main goal of project is to show all the limits of the program code.
Theee users create the complicated trajectories by moving attactor sets [grouping elements]. The movement of the erector and attractor elements is similar to the brain processes.
Video of the installation is here (40 mb).
admnin's note: the download file below is 26 mb.
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download here | report broken link project homepage: http://www.fundamental.art.pl
keywords: patterns-consciousness-Mapping-installation-audiovisual- sound-love-ascii software for java and windows
category: installation-based
uploaded by liss, 28 Feb 2003