Breaking The News - Be a News-Jockey Marc Lee Just tell us a headline or your favorite words and we'll create a modifiable streaming news-station for you.
About NJ (News-Jockey):
Friends ask: Could you help me to cook up a news that I'll like? Those questions often evolved into great conversations. Friends told us their favorite headlines, and we in turn created new stories. Everybody started joking that we were now their personal News-Jockeys. We created NJ so that we can have that same kind of conversation with you.
How it works:
Through entering a headline or your favorite word, for example "Jihad in Zurich", the application NJ (News-Jockey) generates a modifiable streaming news-station for you, out of the rich internet-archive.
NJ is developed for "Breaking The News" and researches and classifies topics focused on the interests of the individual user. The content of the audio-visual streams is made up of search-results from different Web Services (sixteen at this time) such as Google Videos, Google Images, Google News, Flickr, YouTube, Technorati, Pozinger, Amazon, Wikipedia, Yahoo...
By using the mode-slider you define how you like the News: critical - informative - entertaining, and the News will audio-visually fit to your specifications.
As the DJ (Disc-Jockey) juggle with music, the NJ juggle with News.
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download here | report broken link project homepage: http://www.news-jockey.com
keywords: dada-interactive-ironic-sound-stream- poetry-subversive-political-pop_culture-live- found_object-programming-generative-tv-random- Google-realtime-network-remix-news- robot-RSS-information-installation
category: data transformation/data collage
uploaded by marc, 06 Apr 2007