Loogie.net by Marc Lee Loogie.net exists to enrich people’s lives with great programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain. Its vision is to be the most creative, trusted organisation in the world.
It provides a wide range of distinctive programmes and services for everyone, free of commercial interests and political bias. [...]
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loogie.net TV
Featured by Casey Reas.
loogie.net TV claims to "satisfy the wants and needs of the TV viewer even better than before". By typing keywords into the loogie.net remote control, the viewer is able to receive a custom, real-time news broadcast compiled from related information on the Internet. The project uses the visual language of broadcast media such as CNN and BBC to lend an air of authority to the content and text-to-speech audio is imposed over the images of established broadcasters. The interesting feature of loogie.net TV is the ability to search and replace words in the broadcast, thus allowing the viewer to set the tone of the media they consume. For example, it's possible to change the word "news" to "propaganda" or to change the word "drinker" to "good consumer." With this feature it's possible to manipulate the broadcast to match your own political and social views.
The software behind loogie.net TV compiles and re-presents source data from AltaVista and Google via custom algorithms. The remote control communicates with a PC, which in turn communicates to a Linux server. Scripting languages and applications including PHP, awk, grep, and sed parse web content in formats including .html, .doc, .txt, .jpg, .avi, and .mpg. The software seamlessly transitions from one media source to another, cleverly mimicking the conventions of broadcast media.
By successfully removing the Internet from the desktop computer to the living room, loogie.net TV disguises raw, unedited data inside the familiar living room setting. In comparison to commercial television appliances such as WebTV and TiVo, loogie.net TV strives to blend in with the existing television paradigm. It follows a method of interaction where the viewer makes a minimal amount of decisions and lets the streaming broadcast envelop their conscious. As a satire of the future of broadcasting, loogie.net TV reveals the subjectivity and biases prevalent in our global news media.
loogie.net TV was developed by Marc Lee (in cooperation with Christoph Ganser) while a student at the University for Design and Art in Zürich. The project has been presented at the Ars Electronica Festival, the Berlin Transmediale, and other international festivals.
by admin, posted 14 Nov 2004