[19 Dec 2004] read_me 2004 catalogue available
Software Art & Cultures Edition 2004
Contributions by: Amy Alexander, Christian U. Andersen, Inke Arns, Hans Bernhard, Brad Borevitz, Christophe Bruno, Nick Collins, Geoff Cox, Andreas Leo Findeisen, Matthew Fuller, Pau David Alsina Gonzalez, Olga Goriunova, Dave Griffiths, Troels Degn Johansson, Anne Laforet, Fátima Lasay, Jacob Lillemose, Alessandro Ludovico, Alex McLean, Fredrik Olofsson, Douwe Osinga, Søren Pold, Casey Reas, Julian Rohrhuber, Annina Rüst, Mirko Schaefer, Alexei Shulgin, Ewan Steel, Janez Strehovec, Adrian Ward, Ernst Witt & Simon Yuill
Edited by Olga Goriunova & Alexei Shulgin
397 p., softbound, ill., published by Center for Digital Æstetik-forskning, 2004
ISBN 87 988440 4 0
available from Aarhus University Press
and also from Neural.it
Software art is a practice that regards software as a cultural phenomenon that defines one of the principal domains of our existence today. Thus, software is not regarded as an invisible layer, but rather as a decisive level and a language working at reproduction of certain orders, whether aesthetic, cultural, social or political. Software art creatively questions and redefines software and its ways of functioning.
Software cultures as cultures generated by programmers, designers and software users are generous sources of avant-garde thinking on digital culture and society. Software cultures define the way software is created and functions, thus, influencing on composition and functioning of the basic infrastructures of digital society. In that way, software cultures become inseparable (though largely underestimated) from the form digital work, social institutes and cultural manifestations take today. Software cultures initiate social change, act in political spheres, create and discover new artistic realms and methodologies.
Table of Contents
Part one: Software Art and Cultures
Conference Papers
Software: Social Perspective
The World According to Software
Software Art: Historical and Cultural Contents
Code, Text
Software Art: Visual and Conceptual Art Traditions
Part two: Runme.org Software Art Repository:
Project Features
Category: artificial intelligence
Category: artistic tool
Category: code art
Category: conceptual software
Category: data transformation
Category: digital aesthetics r&d
Category: existing software manipulations
Category: generative art
Category: hardware transformation
Category: political and activist software
Category: software cultures - links
Category: text - software art related
Category: text manipulation
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