[05 Jul 2005] README 100: Temporary software art factory
Call for proposals: Deadline August 8, 2005
Readme festival in the year 2005 aims at supporting the production of software art projects and texts critically engaging with software art.
Readme 100 will support up to 6 projects and up to 6 articles on the
competition basis. Each project will get a budget from 500 to 3000 euros
(depending on the project complexity) and each article - 500 euros. The
completed or close to completion works and texts will be presented at the
off-line event scheduled for November 4-5, 2005 in the State and City
Library of Dortmund, Germany. Completed works will be honorably published at
Runme.org repository.
Proposals for projects and texts should be sent to og {at} dxlab.org and
inke.arns {at} hmkv.de no later than August 8. Readme 100 only supports new
projects and texts. The decision will be publicly announced on August 15,
2005. Please prepare the material in whatever format you see fit. Make sure
you include the concept / outline (around 1 page of text -approx. 1.800
characters), a short CV, links to your previous projects, the estimate
budget, and any material you find appropriate.
Different ways of software art production, including self-employing, hiring,using open source solutions, interfacing with IT economy sector and
educational/cultural institutions.
Besides ways of production common for art and open source, we suggest to
consider outsourcing solutions (more details on Readme website) as they are
proven to be efficient and adequate for the modern globalized economy.
Factory - idea and location:
Readme 100 wishes to use the potential of the idea of production. Software
art is often produced using conventional software production models; sometimes pragmatic software tools get regarded in terms of software art and vice versa: software art projects get used and sold as tools. One could hire
an Indian programmer to code a piece of software art; one could get rich
from selling well-advertised unconventional software, one could discover
that an author of a conventional software piece always felt it was something
"different". Readme temporary software art factory would like to focus not
only on the product itself, but on the way of its production, and experiment
with different models of production in relation to art, including
outsourcing, work within IT companies or self-production.
Readme 100 regards texts as essential parts of the production process;
critical texts are welcome to be produced at the temporary software art
What makes Dortmund particularly interesting as a venue for Readme 100 is
the fact that the city and the whole region of the Ruhrgebiet is in full
transition from a former heavy industrial city (coal, steel) to a
city/region focusing on new technologies.
This setting symbolises exactly the transition from a fordistic / industrial
production model to a post-fordistic / post-industrial one. The fordistic
production model is represented by, e.g. Hollerith calculating machines,
machine processing, "mechanization takes command", batch processing. The
post-fordistic, globalization-related model which started to evolve in the
1970s, is characterised by upcoming concepts of timesharing, offshore
outsourcing, borders transparent for capital but not for human resources,
the introduction of object oriented programming languages, the increasing
networking of computers and the first multimedia computers. The "temporary
software art factory" as a concept relates both to the originally fordistic
calculating machine, the networked, interactive medium that emerged from it,
and globalized modes of production.
Readme 100 is hosted by Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, Germany, and is organized by Inke Arns, Olga Goriunova, Francis Hunger and Alexei
Shulgin. The organizers will also form a selection committee together with
Amy Alexander and Alex McLean from Runme.org.
Readme is a travelling media art festival with a focus on software art. Its mission is software art development and critical contextualisation. Readme
is closely related with Runme.org, the software art repository.
Readme festival history:
2002, Moscow. Beginning of formation of self-reflecting scene. Generating
the first definitions of software art.
2003, Helsinki. Launch of Runme.org, the software art repository.
Introduction of software art categories. Accumulating projects in the
2004, Aarhus. Further development of critical discourse: Software Art and
Cultures Conference. Runme-Dorkbot city camp - a face-to-face meeting of
"people doing strange things with software".
Why is the festival called "Readme 100" if it is just the forth edition:
4 equals 100 in the binary numeral system; we use this system here for the
reason of beauty of the title.
Readme 100 is supported by:
-Ministerium fuer Staedtebau und Wohnen, Kultur und Sport des Landes NRW,
-Stadt- und Landesbibliothek, Dortmund
-LesArt Literaturfestival, Dortmund
-Kulturbuero Stadt Dortmund
Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund
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