How Hetero Stockholm Pride The theme for Stockholm Pride 2009 is [Hetero] were we focus on how heteronormativity effects the everyday life of homosexual, bisexual and transgender persons, the consequences it brings and how it effects the society as a whole. Part of the heteronormative environment is defined by how we connect specific words to norms en perceptions of how a "real" man och woman should be och behave. With this test we set out in a direct and funny way to show how these norms effects us by how others sees us. We have deliberately chosen to press every participant to choose their gender to show how tightly our language is connected to perceptions of both gender and sexuality. How does heteronormativity affect you? That is our topic av this years edition of Stockholm Pride. You can find more information och our website, www.stockholmpride.org/en. Welcome!
project homepage: http://www.stockholmpride.org/howhetero/
keywords: goofy-countercultural-pride-norms-Twitter software for the Internet
category: political and activist software/software resistance
uploaded by amy, 31 May 2010