Satromizer.pl jon.satrom & bensyverson # ____ _ _
# / ___| __ _ | |_ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ (_) ____ ___ _ __
# \___ \ / _` || __|| '__|/ _ \ | '_ ` _ \ | ||_ // _ \| '__|
# ___) || (_| || |_ | | | (_) || | | | | || | / /| __/| |
# |____/ \__,_| \__||_| \___/ |_| |_| |_||_|/___|\___||_|
# Now with Color ANSI!
# http://jonsatrom.com
# Satromizer.pl was written by jon.satrom and bensyverson late summer 2006.
# Use the Satromizer to glitch, corrupt, destroy, and databend directories!
# It works by scrambling chunks of bytes within any file.
# When you first download the script, don't forget to chmod +x it...
# Give the Satromizer a directory name (source) and a destination directory,
# a suggested "header" byte size to avoid,
# the number of operations to perform,
# a minimum chunk size and a maximum chunk size,
# a minimum distance and a maximum distance to fling the chunk within the file
Please read this disclaimer before downloading
download here | report broken link project homepage: http://jonsatrom.com/satromizer/
keywords: perl-deconstructive-abuse-error-automation- productivity-trash-glitch-useless-code- relaxing-utility-remix-corruption-databend
category: system dysfunctionality
uploaded by jon.s, 24 Oct 2010