walser.php textz.com / Project Gnutenberg walser.php is a PHP script which, when executed, outputs an ASCII text version of the novel "Tod eines Kritikers" ("Death of a Critic") by the famous contemporary German novelist Martin Walser. When it appeared in 2002, this novel was highly controversial and being criticized as an anti-semitic caricature of a German literary critic. Electronic copies of the manuscript circulated in the Internet before the book officially appeared, but those who spread these copies or only linked to them, received a cease-and-desist order by Walser's publisher. walser.php doesn't infringe on its copyright because, as a text, it is not identical with Walser's novel. Only if readers decide to execute the script, they may need written permission by Suhrkamp publishers, Frankfurt.
walser.php also embeds a script makewalser.php, a software construction kit to turn any ASCII text into a self-contained PHP script that outputs the source text upon execution. Every text thus transformed into a PHP script contains the sourcecode of makewalser.php again.
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keywords: PHP-lawyer_resistant-criticism-literary-hackerly- authorship
category: political and activist software/cease-and-desist-ware
uploaded by cantsin, 04 Jan 2003