code art > code poetry nine projects in this subcategory
London.pl by William Blake (Graham Harwood) A Perl poem which transcribes William Blake's 19th century poem "London" into program code. Written in 2001, it is one of the very few artistically advanced Perl poems written since the invention of Perl poetry in the early 1990s.
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Jabberwocky by Eric Andreychek Like many Perl Poetry projects, Jabberwocky lets us ponder relationships between code language/thought and more conventional verbal forms of language and thought. It's entertaining just to read the code, but if you run it, the characters actually "come to life" as system processes.
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.Re ___________________________(ad.htm by mez -----Date: 14:08:32 +1100
-----------------------------------------------------To: --------------------------------------------From: "][mez]["
-------------------Subject: _The Dynamics of a Code.Wurk Meaning Trajectory_
The DNA of programmer fare is code: the schemata of mobile/relay chat is manufactured via [...]
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GENETICS_BINARY_MATH POETRY by HANS BERNHARD HANS BERNHARD uses his text-sampling method for experimental contemporary GENETICS_BINARY_MATH poetry published on his main publication platform HANSBERNHARD.COM. text-sampling [first used in his WORDWAR platform and publications 1991-1995] is still the most chaotic and associative way to work with alpha-numeric code [dna, literature, machine code, programming languages].
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Julu by Alan Sondheim Alan Sondheim is a New York-based artist, writer and critic who has worked in the experimental arts since the early 1970s. Since the 1990s, he writes something he calls the "Internet text", consisting of frequently autobiographical E-Mail writings for which he does use his software - most notably his Unix commandline environment around the shell, awk, grep, sed and other text-manipulation [...]
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pro][tean][.lapsing.txts by ][mez][ ..........................
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Initialize by Pantopicon Array and selection: the production of parallel meaning and reading through substructure and the initialized code.
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#songsincode by unknown #songsincode is a twitter hash tag. Anyone can use it to contribute translations of songs into code using twitter. An example for such a translation would be:
we=world; we=children;
While I have been writing this, 12 new contributions were added by various authors.
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you C O D E me by youandme On-line and off-line anonymous exercises of code poetry, programming semantics, reinterpretation, daily life, all compiled to give form to human-emotional needs phenomena mediated by computers. In our desperate need to relate with each other we let machines speak for us, we use this language, human behavior concepts and expressions to define recognizable automated-computer tasks and then simplify [...]
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