you C O D E me youandme On-line and off-line anonymous exercises of code poetry, programming semantics, reinterpretation, daily life, all compiled to give form to human-emotional needs phenomena mediated by computers. In our desperate need to relate with each other we let machines speak for us, we use this language, human behavior concepts and expressions to define recognizable automated-computer tasks and then simplify our daily lives. This project takes control of the initial semantics of those concepts and meanings to interpolate them with feelings, numbers, quantum physics, coincidence, dreams, acts of consciousness, metaphors, thoughts and fiction."
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keywords: intuitive-smiley-javascript-abstract-storytelling- poetry-subjectivity-love-ascii-system- privacy-talking-automation-telematic-found_object- text_manipulation-metaphorical-metaphysical-friendly-typing- generative-random-realtime-unnoticeable-code- multiuser-coding-remix-collaborative-html- visual-identity-semantic-cute-sexy- interactive
category: code art/code poetry
uploaded by jjjolll, 18 Apr 2010