data transformation > visualization seven projects in this subcategory
Disk Defragmenter by mi_ga Disk Defragmenter is a tool included in all versions of Windows after Windows 95. It is designed to reorganize the data on your hard drive so that your computer runs more efficiently. It can be accessed, by clicking the START button then Accessories then System Tools then Disk Defragmenter.
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hexaDecimalClock by BlueScreen > About hexa decimal numbers.
> About hexaDecimalClock.
hexaDecimalClock is a BlueScreen software on-line application.
Copyright © [2002] [BlueScreen software] (www.b-l-u-e-s-c-r-e-e-n.[net/com])
Copyleft: this work is free, you can redistribute it and/or modify it according to terms of the Free [...]
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Visual Poetry by Douwe Osinga Poetry is supposed to project images in your mind. VisualPoetry translates any text into a series of images by looking up the words on Google image search and projecting the most relevant results as a slide show.
You can use it to view your favourite poem as a series of images from the Internet to amuse yourself or you let other people guess which sentence or poem is displayed. [...]
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calltrace by Adam Marks calltrace is a live visualization of a running computer program. each box is a function in the code, each line is a function call.
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Nude Studies in Aleatoric Environments by Pall Thayer Automated nude studies abstracted through geological intervention. This software creates vector-based "paintings" of online nudes (tagged Flickr images) that are "re-interpreted" by incorporating live seismic readings from various parts of the world to a real-time screen rendering of each image. The hosted version uses four locations in North and South America however the network from which the [...]
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City Distances: measuring informational distances between cities. by Bestiario > "This three-dimensional scheme represents the strength of relations between cities from searches on google. The main idea is compare the number of pages on internet where the two cities appears one close to the other with the number of pages they appear isolated". We call that the google-platonic distance between cities.
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The Oracle of Elsewhere by Ian Wojtowicz This web-based artwork visualizes recent growth in news in major urban centers around the world.
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