digital aesthetics r&d > disfunctionality four projects in this subcategory
Glitch Art by BEFLIX Aesthetics of digital corruption and data visualization.
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nest by c6 N.E.S.T - Network Examination of Serendipitous Transfer, 2004
The internet is an ordered place of ones and zeros, a logical exchange of packets of data. Math exists everywhere in bytes, bits, addresses and code. C6 has been creating chaotic content online for several years, and now focuses attention on to the raw materials of earlier transmissions: The search and interpretation of chaos online [...]
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aPpRoPiRaTe! by Sven Koenig APpRoPiRaTe! is an attempt to appropriate movies found in file-sharing networks and turn them into art by revealing the real nature of such video files.
This software's aim is to hack a found video file by just changing the structure of the file to turn it into something visually completely different without any video processing.
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text2image by ted davis text2image is an online tool that does exactly as the name describes, but in a different way than one might expect. Rather than creating a typographic based image of the live text submitted, this tool renders an abstract image that is the digital translation of the input text. The results remain consistent for any given entry, however will change greatly through alternate keying. [...]
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