aPpRoPiRaTe! Sven Koenig APpRoPiRaTe! is an attempt to appropriate movies found in file-sharing networks and turn them into art by revealing the real nature of such video files.
This software's aim is to hack a found video file by just changing the structure of the file to turn it into something visually completely different without any video processing.
The technical aspect of the idea is inspired by a bug I've encountered in a media player when testing downloaded movie files.
This project was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is presented in the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
feature about this project: aPpRoPiRaTe!
project homepage: http://www.popmodernism.org
keywords: visual-video-glitch-dysfunctional-deconstructive- python
category: digital aesthetics r&d/disfunctionality
uploaded by o, 15 Feb 2006