projects uploaded by o
A Few Quick Notes on Opportunities and Pitfalls of the Application of Computers in Art and Music by James McCartney A short text by the author of SuperCollider on art and code, software design and usage, and music.
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A Glimpse Beyond Search Engines. "Verb thou art, and unto verb shalt thou return" by Cristophe Bruno Author: In the present paper, I describe briefly some projects (that do not exist as yet) which one can see either as possible utilitarian global structures or as art-fiction pieces subverting these structures. I’m not going to distinguish between the two, as their development is not advanced enough. These projects are in progress on iterature.com and you will just find a foretaste here.
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A Re-Declaration of Dependence - Software Art in a Cultural Context It Can't Get out of by Jacob Lillemose Author: The coining of the term ”software art” followed by festivals like Read_Me has opened up a wide range of discussions about the aesthetics of software art and its position within the field of contemporary art. The discussions tends to be divided between those who argue for an aesthetics that focuses on the formal and expressive qualities of software art and those who turn towards an [...]
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ADMechelon-Lagger by The ADM Crew The ADM Crew
ADMechelon lagger
(quick and dirty code)
VERSION 1.0 !!!!
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An Exploration of the Visual Mind of the Software Artist by Ewan Steel This essay was written for Read_Me Software Art and Cultures conference and is published in read_me Software Art & Cultures Edition 2004 .
Author: Digital technologies have changed profoundly the ways in which the artist can develop a visual language. [...]
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aPpRoPiRaTe! by Sven Koenig APpRoPiRaTe! is an attempt to appropriate movies found in file-sharing networks and turn them into art by revealing the real nature of such video files.
This software's aim is to hack a found video file by just changing the structure of the file to turn it into something visually completely different without any video processing.
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Artistic Software for Dummies and, by the way, Thoughts About the New World Order. by Olga Goriunova, Alexei Shulgin This is an introductory text for Read_Me 1.2 catalogue. Written in a very simple manner, it aims at linking software art with the history of arts from the ancient times to contemporaneity and shows that software art has a potential to save the world.
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Behind the Blip: Software as Culture by Matthew Fuller (some routes into 'software criticism', more ways out.)
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Code Art Brutalism: Low-Level Systems and Simple Programs by Simon Yuill Author: An exploration of the aesthetics of low-level coding, such as raw binary, assembler, and greycode, as well as microcontroller-based projects. It discusss works by Artem Baguinski, ap, slub, slateford, some PIC projects and chip customization. The aesthetic intentions and outcomes of the Brutalist movement in 20th Century architecture are drawn on as an historical reference point against [...]
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Coding Praxis: Reconsidering the Aesthetics of Code by Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, Adrian Ward Authors: An earlier collaborative paper The Aesthetics of Generative Code (2001) drew an analogy with poetry as a form that requires both reading and live spoken performance. Like poetry, it is clear that code can have aesthetic value both in its written form and in its execution. The paper argued that any separation of code and the resultant actions would simply limit the aesthetic experience [...]
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Concepts. Notations. Software. Art. by Florian Cramer An article from 2002, where Florian Cramer gives one of the first working and steady definitions of software art.
Text traces the connection btw software art and concept art.
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Cosmolalia by Christophe Bruno This article introduces the future project cosmolalia.com. It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
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Digital Objects by Matthew Fuller Author: This paper presents an analysis of a group of social software projects including Nine by Harwood for Mongrel, OPUS Commons by Raqs Media Collective, and Spring_Alpha by a team lead by Simon Yuill alongside a number of other projects. These are all network-based applications that are aimed at use in workshop situations, and all to some degree or other involve reflexive work on the nature [...]
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Go-Logo by Eric Londaits In the future, the only way to be heard will be having a flashy logo, a catchy tune, and your own pop star endorsement. And I don't just mean for corporations... family dinner conversations will actually be like this as well.
Go-Logo will be the basic survival kit for that future.
Just enter a word (or two or three words, but not much more) and Go-Logo will instantly create a random unique [...]
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Hackers and Painters by Paul Graham Recent essay by the designer of Arc language, x-president of Viaweb, and author of books "On Lisp" and "ANSI Common Lisp".
Though the essay operates with the hackers' concepts of "beautiful software" and uses the example of Leonardo to illustrate how a hacker's artistic career can eventually evolve, it is extremely interesting in a way it describes the common patterns of "computer science" [...]
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It looks like you're writing a letter: Microsoft Word by Matthew Fuller Critical essay on word processing and analysis of Microsoft Word in particular.
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Lego for a Meta-Theory of Meta-Art-Forms by Andreas Leo Findeisen Full title: (Mostly WestEastern-European Theoretical Blabla-) Lego for a Meta-Theory of Meta-Art-Forms
Author: The history of ideas consists of THEORIES, about the psychology of the human imagination or the functions of the brain, about the nature of human work, about the development of religious and secular world -views, about the fall and decline of indian or european culture, about the [...]
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Live Algorithm Programming and a Temporary Organisation for Its Promotion by A. Alexander, N. Collins, D. Griffiths, A. McLean, F. Olofsson, J. Rohrhuber, A.Ward Authors: We can do better than almost.
Live computer music and visual performance can now involve interactive control of algorithmic processes. In normal practise, the interface for such activity is determined before the concert. In a new discipline of live coding or on-the-fly programming the control structures of the algorithms themselves are malleable at run-time. [...]
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LYCAY (Let Your Code plAY) by Ilia Malinovsky Rhythm and music are the earliest and most natural forms of human self-expression; they are also methods of transmission and perception of information. Rhythm and music act not only on the level of consciousness, but also on the one of subconsciousness, creating images. Programming as a kind of art is a process of operating with pure semantic forms, which means the highest level of involvement of [...]
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Made by Users. How Users Improve Things, Provide Innovation and Change Our Idea of Culture by Mirko Schaefer Author: In this paper I describe:
a) how the collaborative work of competent users is providing innovation and that this could create
b) an interactive market, where product definitions are possible only for a moment before these artefacts become modified or reshaped and that this raises questions concerning copyrights and democracy.
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Mise en Abyme in Software Art: a Comment to Florian Cramer by Troels Degn Johansson Author: This text applies the concept of mise en abyme in order to analyse software art’s exploration of representational problems in the computer medium. According to comparative literature, the use of the literary trope of mise en abyme (the “staging of an abyss” cf. André Gide’s pun on the French expressions mise en scène, staging; and the word abyme, abyss) has, in experimental [...]
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No Carrier and Other Stories from Philippine BBS Culture by Fatima Lasay Author: In this paper, I will discuss the place and importance of ideological and political forces in the analysis of the development of a very small but significant networked software art and culture in the Philippines, beginning with the creative programmer-artists' culture within local Bulletin Board Systems from 1994 to the present time. [...]
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Outsource me! by Leonardo Solaas "Outsource me!" by Leonardo Solaas presents a competition within the competition of Readme 100. This ironic subversion is repeated on various levels of the project: it subverts the usual outsourcing relationships, as well as subverting the idea of the delegation of "technical" work by the "creative" artist to an “uncreative” programmer (or any "hands-on" person). [...]
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QuickView on Software Art by interview with runme.org experts 2003 Amy Alexander, Florian Cramer, Matthew Fuller, Thomax Kaulmann, Alex McLean, Pit Schultz, and The Yes Men, interviewed by Olga Goriunova and Alexei Shulgin.
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Read_Me 1.2 Jury Statement by Amy Alexander, Cue P. Doll, Florian Cramer, RTMark, Alexei Shulgin.
Read_me 1.2 jury statement from spring 2002 is an important text on software art, giving some definitions, featuring works, and making some sense out of the field.
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Read_me, Run_me, Execute_me: Software and Its Discontents... by Inke Arns Full Title: Read_me, Run_me, Execute_me: Software and Its Discontents: or It's the Performativity of Code, Stupid!
In the past two or so years the term generative art has become fashionable. It can be found in very different contexts, such as academic discourses, media art festivals, industrial design and architecture. [...]
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Reject Me by Special guest State Scrounging as Means of Production
The social security and benefits system in the United Kingdom provides a means of production for artists*, enabling them to live at a subsistence level of dole autonomy and use nearly all their time for their own projects. The benefit system includes housing benefit, which allows the artist to rent a one bedroom flat and have the rent paid by local [...]
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SCREEN SAVER by Eldar Karhalev & Ivan Khimin The software on your computer has capabilities,
which are not only hidden from you the user, but also from the program writers themselves.
1. a work of contemporary art
2. decoration for your computer
3. the users' overcoming of the narrow framework, laid down by the software producers.
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Software Art by Florian Cramer and Ulrike Gabriel "What is software art? How can "software" be generally defined? We had to answer these questions at least provisionally when we were asked to be with the artist-programmer John Simon jr. in the jury of the "artistic software" award for the transmediale.01 art festival in Berlin, Germany."
One of the first critical texts on software art.
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Software Art and Political Implications in Algorithms by Pau David Alsina Gonzalez Author: Nowaday we can find how behind Software there is a particular mental model structuring a range of possible actions within each particular software’s functionalities. As it happens inside Computers, Software assumes a conception of communication, memory, cognition or intelligence confronted in dialogue with our own human capacities. [...]
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Software Art Panel Transcript Feb. 2003 by ... It's a transcript of the 3 hours long panel discussion on software art between Amy Alexander, Florian Cramer, Olga Goriunova, Alex McLean, Antoine Schmitt, Inke Arns, Pit Schultz, Sally Jane Norman, Adrian Ward, Dragan Miletic, and many others.
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Spam, the economy of desire by Alessandro Ludovico The following text researches spam, its history and working mechanisms.
It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
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Story Teller by Tom Jennings "Obsolete forgery, historical fiction, a concrete realization of a lie. Story Teller tells tales stored on tape, via speech, text on paper, a semi-translucent spectacle of mediation and machinery.
It is a system of cooperative but independent devices, mechanisms, and mechanical contrivances, of ambiguous age and origin.
Externally, is speaks, prints, draws and writes. [...]
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Suicide Letter Wizard for Microsoft Word by Olga Goriunova, Data eXchange Laboratory Suicide Letter Wizard for Microsoft Word helps you to create a
suicide letter according to your preferences.
Use professional design. Choose from a variety of styles. Make your
letter look great.
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Super-Abstract: Software Art and a Redefinition of Abstraction by Brad Borevitz This essay regards software art practices from the point of view of visual art tradition, namely abstract art. It was written for Read_Me Software Art and Cultures conference and is published in read_me Software Art & Cultures Edition 2004.
Author: "Abstraction is one prevalent tendency in software art. [...]
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System Stories and Model Worlds by Mitchell Whitelaw Full title: System Stories and Model Worlds: A Critical Approach To Generative Art
This text was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
" [...]
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The Aesthetics of Generative Code by Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, Adrian Ward Abstract:
Aesthetics, in general usage, lays an emphasis on subjective sense perception associated with the broad field of art and human creativity. Drawing particularly on Jonathan Rée's I See a Voice: A Philosophical History (1999), this paper suggests that it might be useful to revisit the troubled relationship between art and aesthetics for the purpose of discussing the value of generative [...]
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The House That Jack Built: Jack Burnham's Concept of "Software" as a Metaphor for Art by Edward A. Shanken Abstract:
This paper identifies and analyzes the convergence of computers, experimental art practice, and structuralist theory in Jack Burnham's Software exhibition at the Jewish Museum. In contrast to the numerous art and technology exhibitions which took place between 1966-1972, and which focused on the aesthetic applications of technological apparatus, Software was predicated on theÝidea of [...]
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The Invisible Hand Machine by Renate Wieser, Julian Rohrhuber For the piece "Invisible Hand Machine", we have developed an economic model which implements a somewhat cartoonified, but serious functionality of a "free" market. Like maybe every cartoon, it exaggerates a mechanical model that ones mind produced as a description of how one sees the world.
Self-interest and competition, the basic forces of human society, are realized as the strive for [...]
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The Macintosh Computer: Archetypal Capitalist Machine? by William Bowles [The following text, written in 1987 and published by the small press magazine "PhotoStatic/Retrofuturism" in 1990, appears to be the first cultural critique of computer software. It has been republished lately by former PS/RF editor and Tape-beatle Lloyd Dunn within an electronic reprint of Retrofuturism No. 13. [...]
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The Sequencer Paradigm by Alessandro Ludovico Author: The interfaces of music sequencing programs are developing their own peculiarities, stimulating artists to give their own interpretations of a well-consolidated paradigm. The recursive flow of the sounds, marked by their elements enclosed in the loops, has been reconfigured with very different parameters and perspectives which have exploited the aesthetical possibilities of their [...]
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The Software Language Art by Janez Strehovec Author: In this paper, we focus on the expanded field of digital poetry, which in technical terms can be called the software language art, and which we believe belongs primarily to the field of software art as one of the most characteristic forms of new media art.
This essay was written for Read_Me Software Art and Cultures conference and is published in ...]
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The World According to the Web by Douwe Osinga and Ernst Wit Authors: Much has been said about the World Wide Web. It was developed at CERN for high-particle physics to share information among researchers and it is currently seen as an information resource on a larger scale. Google and other search engines in this “big telephone directory”-paradigm are simply more or less efficient tools to find pieces of specific information among many pieces of [...]
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Towards a Permanently Temporary Software Art Factory by Javier Candeira Full title: Towards a Permanently Temporary Software Art Factory
(Notes for the Sustainability of Software Artifacts)
Packaging and distribution of free software art is the main focus and wish of this article.
It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 [...]
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Virus Charms and Self-Creating Codes by Alessandro Ludovico A text written by the editor of Neural.It for 'I Love You' exhibition curated by Franziska Nori and the digitalcraft.org team in the Museum of Applied Arts in Frankfurt, May-June 2002.
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{Software} Structures by Casey Reas Author: This is an essay and project about the relation of conceptual art to software art focusing on the work of Sol LeWitt and my own work derivative of his process.
The essay is illustrated with a series of software examples - original works produced during the research.
The text is published in read_me Software Art & Cultures Edition 2004. [...]
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projects featured by o
walser.php by textz.com / Project Gnutenberg
SPS by (Karl-)Robert Ek
Kraut by John Sparks
os_anm by slateford
discomus.exe by Anonymous
DOS pseudoviruses collection by Various artists
n_Gen Design Machine by Move Design
Beyond Psychogeography by Yves Degoyon / Sergio Moreno / Jaume Nualart and more