games > public games three projects in this subcategory
retroyou nostalG by retroyou.org 600 Version -nostalG data cycle 200302, build HAWK7472, Black.Helicopter.AptNostalG.
This data is nostalG software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the nostalG License as published by the Comission-41; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. [...]
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sowjet-unterzoegersdorf / the adventure-game / sector 1 / by monochrom >> Soviet-Unterzögersdorf -- The Adventure Game
For years monochrom has been occupied with the construction, analysis and reflexion of alternative worlds and models of recording history. monochrom projects are treating this field partly as a discussion with concepts deriving from popular culture, science and philosophy, partly as a direct reference to science fiction and fantasy fan culture. [...]
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Arteroids by Jim Andrews Arteroids is the battle of poetry against itself and the forces of dullness. An online shoot-em-up poetry game. Play mode and game mode. In game mode, you have less control over the game's parameters. And your scores are saved to the net. In play mode, you can write your own texts in Word for Weirdos and save poetry from yourself. [...]
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