CyberSpaceLand Amy Alexander (VJ Übergeek) CyberSpaceLand is the all-text VJ show performed by VJ Übergeek at nightclubs from Here to There.
Computer culture, nerdy lovechild of the business and tech worlds, clashes with pop and leisure culture daily. The result: leisure culture seems increasingly like work. But what if we take a different approach? VJ Übergeek's "CyberSpaceLand" turns strange search engine queries into fun-and-funky club visuals while revealing the possibly poignant poetry people place on the net.
Live performances involve a delightful display of dexterity and kineticism as VJ Übergeek uses all three hands and both feet to transform timourous text and tedious typing into a fantasical and flamboyant fantasy.
Now you can enjoy the CyberSpaceLand Software Home Edition - the same software used by VJ Übergeek for her club shows, but without the smokey haze!
And now, with new music visualizer and POP e-mail reader options!
Join the Textperience!
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download here | report broken link project homepage: http://cyberspaceland.org
keywords: performance-pop_culture-post-dotcom-gadgety-psychedelic- goofy-visual-criticism-cute-feedback software for windows
category: performance-based
uploaded by amy, 08 Jun 2004