Form Art Alexei Shulgin A new art form, based on the aesthetics of a computer interface was introduced to the internet community in 1997. The idea was to use input interface elements (submit buttons, checkboxes, text areas, pull-down menus,...) as graphical elements for creating images and animations, both abstract and figurative. The web site devoted to Form Art consists of numerous examples of Form Art implementations.
The project was developed for Netscape 3.0 that's why some features might not work correctly on modern browsers. You can download Netscape 3.0 here.
project homepage: http://www.c3.hu/collection/form/
keywords: html-design-1997-formalist-minimalistic- conceptual-interface-deconstructive software for the Internet
category: digital aesthetics r&d/low tech
uploaded by alexei, 14 Dec 2002