Jet Set Willy variations jodi Approx. 10 variations of the jump'n'run computer game "Jet Set Willy" for the 1980s 8-bit Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer. From 2001-2002, the took the original BASIC sourcecode and modified it so that the basic keyboard operation and principle of the game was preserved, yet the screen graphics vary from ASCII Art to Mondrian-style abstraction. Jodi's contribution to retro-computing uncovers the hidden, yet retrospectively ironic modernism of low-resolution screen graphics and formal constraints of software due to the limited hardware resources of the computer. All variation were shown as an installation of original ZX Spectrum computers in jodi's exhibition "install.exe" (Basel/CH and Berlin/Germany).
project homepage: http://jetsetwilly.jodi.org
keywords: remix-minimalistic-hackerly-basic-pop_culture- lowtech-deconstructive-1980s software for sinclair, mac and windows
category: games/deconstruction and modification
uploaded by cantsin, 28 Feb 2003