un_wiki wayne clements un_wiki gets quotes from Wikipedia the free encyclopedia's Deletion Log: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&type=delete
The Deletion Log is a list of all the pages that have abused Wiki's democratic remit; it is the last stop on the way to destruction.
It has small amounts of the offending texts. I use a Perl script to get them and throw away the rest.
un_wiki explores the antagonism between formal democracy (anyone may edit a page) and actual oligarchy (sysadmins may delete or revert a page).
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download here | report broken link project homepage: http://www.in-vacua.com/un_wiki.html
keywords: trash-perl-deconstructive-database-community
category: institutional critique
uploaded by nicemank, 17 Jan 2006