text - software art related subcategories: > aesthetics of software art (7) > cultural critique of software (13) > history of software art (12) > weblog (1) fourteen projects in this top-level category
Spam, the economy of desire by Alessandro Ludovico The following text researches spam, its history and working mechanisms.
It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
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Cosmolalia by Christophe Bruno This article introduces the future project cosmolalia.com. It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
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Live Algorithm Programming and a Temporary Organisation for Its Promotion by A. Alexander, N. Collins, D. Griffiths, A. McLean, F. Olofsson, J. Rohrhuber, A.Ward Authors: We can do better than almost.
Live computer music and visual performance can now involve interactive control of algorithmic processes. In normal practise, the interface for such activity is determined before the concert. In a new discipline of live coding or on-the-fly programming the control structures of the algorithms themselves are malleable at run-time. [...]
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Lego for a Meta-Theory of Meta-Art-Forms by Andreas Leo Findeisen Full title: (Mostly WestEastern-European Theoretical Blabla-) Lego for a Meta-Theory of Meta-Art-Forms
Author: The history of ideas consists of THEORIES, about the psychology of the human imagination or the functions of the brain, about the nature of human work, about the development of religious and secular world -views, about the fall and decline of indian or european culture, about the [...]
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No Carrier and Other Stories from Philippine BBS Culture by Fatima Lasay Author: In this paper, I will discuss the place and importance of ideological and political forces in the analysis of the development of a very small but significant networked software art and culture in the Philippines, beginning with the creative programmer-artists' culture within local Bulletin Board Systems from 1994 to the present time. [...]
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The World According to the Web by Douwe Osinga and Ernst Wit Authors: Much has been said about the World Wide Web. It was developed at CERN for high-particle physics to share information among researchers and it is currently seen as an information resource on a larger scale. Google and other search engines in this “big telephone directory”-paradigm are simply more or less efficient tools to find pieces of specific information among many pieces of [...]
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The Software Language Art by Janez Strehovec Author: In this paper, we focus on the expanded field of digital poetry, which in technical terms can be called the software language art, and which we believe belongs primarily to the field of software art as one of the most characteristic forms of new media art.
This essay was written for Read_Me Software Art and Cultures conference and is published in ...]
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Virus Charms and Self-Creating Codes by Alessandro Ludovico A text written by the editor of Neural.It for 'I Love You' exhibition curated by Franziska Nori and the digitalcraft.org team in the Museum of Applied Arts in Frankfurt, May-June 2002.
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A Few Quick Notes on Opportunities and Pitfalls of the Application of Computers in Art and Music by James McCartney A short text by the author of SuperCollider on art and code, software design and usage, and music.
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Post-media Aesthetics by Lev Manovich Written in 2001. This text proposes that since the concept of media no longer adequately decribes contemporary cultural practice, cultural theory can intead use the concepts of software and interface to understand both past and present.
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Avant-garde as Software by Lev Manovich Written in 1999. This text suggests that the techniques of early twentieth century avant-garde became the basic operations of modern software and human-machine interfaces. This thesis is being expanded in Lev Manovich's book INFO-AETHETICS (expected 2004).
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dear em: what shd i do? by ms.static + chip.kali@mxHz.org 0. the question
dear em,
i am fed up with ppl calling me a musician, i wd like to become a software artist instead, what shd i do?
anxious, helsinki
1. the answer
dear anxious,
relax, and stick with the music. before you know it that will be called software art too.
2. the activity
chip.kali@mxHz.org is sitting in a dark room, typing the lyrics for the inauguration songs [...]
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hacking sound in context by alex Without software, a computer is like a stone. Consider a program that generates organised sound - what could it be but a music score, composed by humans? I suggest that ultimately, software can be nothing but human expression.
This paper is an exploration of the relationship between the programmer, the programming environment, and computer music applications.
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processor art by thor magnusson a paper discussing the current state of software and generative arts, from a historical, philosophical and art-historical perspective. processor art is a perspective of artworks that necessarily use the qualities of the micro processor to generate or make the artworks alife.
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