projects uploaded by Raquel

Influenza Skin by Rafael Marchetti
The skin combines XML and quicktime and constitutes the main interface. It adheres to all opened windows of your computer, invades your desktop, contaminating everything. You open Influenza and it loads automatically the skin. It is possible to access, by the skin, some of the web sites developed by Influenza. [...]
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Log Cam by Influenza (Rafael Marchetti and Raquel Rennó)
Logcam is a proposal aimed at exploring the capacity for exchange between languages and supports. The advent of the digital media has become central to the discussion relating to the two means and their possibilities, since media can be used as a channel for the exchange of different kinds of information (auditory, visual, verbal etc) and between individuals living in many parts of the world, who [...]
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Non_sensor by Influenza (Rafael Marchetti and Raquel Rennó)
Nonsensor is a project that makes use of movement sensors to capture the distortion created by objects that intervene in the magnetic field between the sensors and the antenna. The graphic interface show points which create lines for each sensor; in fact the sensors are fixed, it’s the magnetic disturbance in the system (created by the user that manipulates metallic objects) that creates changes [...]
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