projects uploaded by deprogramming.us
deprogramming.us - e.p. #1 by deprogramming.us are you burnt out on programming?
did the dotcom bust you?
too unstructured for structured programming?
are you a messy, impulsive, luser in search of an
attention span?
don't let the software cult execute you! cast off your
markov chains and start deprogramming!
introducing deprogramming.us - e.p. #1: don't let the dotcom bust you.
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forkwar by deprogramming.us A "forkbomb" is a computer algorithm that chases its tail, repeating and replicating itself until it eventually crashes the system.
Forkwar is a special "graphically-enhanced" forkbomb implementation that illustrates this process using the easy-to-understand example of U.S foreign policy! Crash your system - the patriotic way!
(Windows version runs only on Windows 2000, XP, and possibly NT 4. [...]
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The Post-PATRIOT Magnetic Motto Maker by deprogramming.us The web-filtering, motto-making, t-shirt-printing, magnet poetry software thingee and productivity tool.
You've probably seen word magnet poetry, the craze that's sweeping refrigerators around the globe. But did you know that the US Government uses magnet poetry to assemble its stirring slogans? How else to explain such eloquence as the full name of the USA PATRIOT Act:
"Uniting and [...]
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