deprogramming.us - e.p. #1 deprogramming.us are you burnt out on programming?
did the dotcom bust you?
too unstructured for structured programming?
are you a messy, impulsive, luser in search of an
attention span?
don't let the software cult execute you! cast off your
markov chains and start deprogramming!
introducing deprogramming.us - e.p. #1: don't let the dotcom bust you.
Current single: "exorcist" (why is it so hard to find good devil worship software?)
Also includes: ritalinworld (some day, all the world will be on ritalin, and we'll all be screensavers.),
prozac.pl (happy mindless self-destruction!), as well as the drug-free hits nevermind.pl and conceptual.pl
http://deprogramming.us -
psychiatric psoftware, and a whole lot less.
------- Translation for the un-deprogrammed -------
(we didn't write this part - someone else did!)
The dotcom boom turned programming into slavery - at least in some parts... Software creation was governed by the cult of scientific management:
Experimentation lost out to efficiency. Originality lost out to modularity.
Commercial production philosophy dictated that code must be well-behaved, reusable and interchangable
- as its authors must also be.
Programmers dutifully followed the algorithms to survival and stock options in lock step,
eighty hours a week. And then they slept.
Meanwile, in the US, the number of people prescribed Ritalin and anti-depressants rose dramatically. And we're not just talking about programmers. Where once left-handed people were made to write right-handed lest it be evidence of Satanic posession, now, the unprogrammed and unprogrammable were expected to be proactively and happily drugged. Feeling much better off than they did 4 years ago, the stage was set for a new patriotism (except for those with allergic reactions.)
Phew! The boom is over. Deprogramming begins. We enter the renaissance of the dot com bust!
Deprogramming.us contains both software meant to be run and software meant to be seen but not run.
Projects are small and based on impulsive thoughts. Algorithms tend to be simple, messy, project-specific and the result of intuition and experimentation rather than planning. No smart code!
No mega-projects! But some f(r)iendly software thoughts for the end of the day...
http://deprogramming.us --
Software that won't earn you the respect of your peers
Also visit our forkwar project at: http://www.runme.org/project/+forkwar
Please read this disclaimer before downloading
download here | report broken link project homepage: http://deprogramming.us
keywords: psychiatric-perl-dangerous-post-dotcom-hackerly- algorithmic-unix-goofy-abuse-trivial software for linux, windows, the Internet, posix and mac
category: conceptual software
uploaded by deprogramming.us, 30 Dec 2003