ChucK: Strongly-timed, On-the-fly Audio Programming Language Ge Wang and Perry Cook ChucK offers a very different and powerful way of thinking about time, parallelism, sound, and the programming thereof. It's easy and fun to learn (even if you haven't programmed before); at the same time, ChucK allows both novice and seasoned programmers to write code that's extremely expressive, flexible, precise (and readable), and in the process, to discover familiar and totally new ways to create sound, make and perform music (and crash your computer). Oh yeah, and you can program and synchronize ChucK code on-the-fly, too!
project homepage: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/
keywords: serendipitous-open_source-collaborative-realtime-musical- language-coding-programming-interactive-code- typing-performative-live_coding-generative-audiovisual- sound-performance-live-educational-algorithmic software for linux, windows and mac
category: code art/programming languages
uploaded by gewang, 13 Aug 2006