promiscuOS ap/xxxxx PromiscuOS concerns non-functional artistic generation at socially-implied levels of code and production, favouring promiscuous, leaky code and data over security and division by function or task. The PromiscuOS project proposes the modification and re-distribution of an already existing GNU/Linux operating system with attendant functional applications. Such a modification will operate to remove security, segmentation and objectification (by way of category and filesystem) from all levels of the system (network and application) in favour of the generation, distribution and execution of mobile promiscuous code across all instances of the system. It is proposed that users would dual-boot such a system alongside the original (or close distribution), thus PromiscuOS offers a flip-side to the functional and divisive qualities of the original in favour of open promiscuity for the production of artistic computation. The PromiscuOS project engages with the open source development model of an existing operating system, rewriting core code of that system to divert towards the dysfunctional.
project homepage: http://1010.co.uk/promiscuos.html
keywords: P2P-dangerous-deconstructive-performative-lisp- system-found_object-terrorism-programming-text_manipulation- provocative-goofy-unix-useless-conceptual- network-violence-noisy-virus-countercultural- open_source-free_software-crash-xxxxx software for linux
category: system dysfunctionality/virus - security
uploaded by xxxxx_, 22 Feb 2007