Sound and Energy Santiago Ortiz 11 interactive Works on sound. Some of them are very simple, others more complex, but all are very Inter-related. All this pieces conforms an investigation of relations between sound and space, dynamics, energy and interactivite. They are classified in 5 categories -every píece could have more than one categorie asociated-: - binaural: sounds in space; each sound intensitie is in relation with his distance to each hear. - synthesis: uses wave synthesis technics to generate dynamics in space. - physical model: mechanical models (gravity, elastics, bounding, friction...). - random: uses stochastic models to generate dynamics and sound.
binaural triad: (()()) simple and binaural
sound energy: ))o(( sound = kinetik energy
auralmix: (()()) more conventional but powerfull tool
music over fractal land: brwonian algorithm used to generate realistic landscapes
ki2D: (()()) binaural triad + synthesizer = ki2D (the first work here: 2001)
crystal: inspired in “Musica Ricercata”, from Gyorgy Ligeti
gravitatory sound: ))o(( simple and funny
auralia: (()()) create and navigate your own sound landscapes
combinatory music: working enthropy
sound sticky elastic structure: 3D + holistic physic model (the last work here: 2005)
synthesizer: ¡the unique soundless sound toy!: creates movement with sound synthesis technique