SPS (Karl-)Robert Ek SPS is working on the world. It is a pedagogical artpiece.
The two versions of the wellknown game, paper rock scissors, Iґve made, represent two different kinds of interactivity.
The first, SPS, uses the metaphors we are used to in the digital space. For example, as with a 'desktop environment', something happens when one clicks something. In SPS, when youґve chosen (the icon of the) rock, paper or scissors, your opponent, the machine, makes itґs choice. The user is well protected behind her notion of her imagined control.
VK (Virtual Pal) is a game that breaks our conception of what a computer is and how we are supposed to interact with it. By cutting the wires that we instruct the machine through (mouse, joystick etc), VK deals with an interactivity suggesting that the machine is an opponent with the same prerequisites as that of a human being.
In the meeting of user and VK, the user soon discovers s/he the new pal forces her to hand over the control. Virtual Pal will integrate her into itґs electronic course of events where it defines the rules; it makes the countdown and it will never tire.
My goal with the SPS project, apart from having fun, is to illustrate the principles of interaction between man and machine. Independent of context these principles constantly manipulate the disposition of activity; reinforcing
the hegemony's control and power.
feature about this project: SPS
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keywords: robot-random-screensaver-realtime-process- friendly software for windows
category: games
uploaded by robi, 17 Jan 2003