data transformation > data collage eleven projects in this subcategory
The Multi-Cultural Recycler by amy alexander Ancient web project about new celebrities and the homogenization of multi-culturalism via the humble webcam and homepage.
In 1996, webcam culture was emerging, and finally it seemed, everybody could be a celebrity. but, of course, to prove you're a "real" celebrity, you have to somehow get Recycled by pop culture. (which didn't quite include the net back then, it was only 1996, see... )
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POP AUTOMATE® by liz Batch cut&paste bot that sings the Dictionary of Pop™. You feed with lyrics, it sings each word plundering a random singer.
POP AUTOMATE® uses also the Bootleg_Machine to generate remixed pop lyrics.
ex: john imagination lennon - imagine the people living in illusion
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Revision History 3.0 by Johnny DeKam `Revision History` is a networked collage application written by johnny deKam that autonomously downloads and composites images from the American Memory Collections Database with various raster effects.
The National Digital Library Program is an effort to digitize and deliver electronically the distinctive, historical Americana holdings at the Library of Congress. [...]
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GoogleSynth by Paul Andrews GoogleSynth is a generative software project that creates "art" from random images on the Internet.
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Yet Another Sizing Tool (YAST) by Rico da halvarez & Bituur Esztreym YAST : Yet Another Sizing Tool is an art_software designed in Python/Zope.
it's an everrefreshing random images, texts, urls displayer.
it is intended as a collaborative art_software : you may at will upload images, texts, type urls, image_urls, texts, in the displayed forms.
it works then displaying all elements in a random way : colors, size, div_indexes, everything is randomized in a cute & [...]
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DSTRKTR by stk An alternative browsing experience combining user interaction and randomness. Results range from the strangely beautiful to the nonsensically asinine.
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dada newsfeed by Eugenio Tisselli the dada newsfeed collage is generated by the following set of rules:
1. get a random news headline from a current news server
2. get a random image from an image bank, based on a random word from the headline. if no appropriate image is found, just get any random image
3. combine these two elements in a web-collage and display them on a page
4. [...]
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BANKSTATEMENTGENERATOR by UBERMORGEN.COM The "BANKSTATEMENTGENERATOR" is an online engine - embodied in the form of a white tower, a white cube ATM-Machine - that generates individual bank statements. If you need a absurde positive or negative bank statement, generate it.
The core theme of this project is described in the slogan "just pixels on a screen - just ink on paper" and consolidated in the term "authenticity as consensual [...]
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Psych|OS-Generator by UBERMORGEN.COM The Psych|OS Generator generates diagnoses and creates medical prescriptions. The user can either answer a questionnaire or select a medical condition from the standardized WHO and U.S.A. list of mental illnesses (ICD-10 & DSM IV). The machine then generates a diagnosis and a "prints" a prescription with the list of psychotropic drugs to cure the disease.
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Pixel Collaboration by Krista Quick This is a collaborative peice of net art. For it to work I need as many people as possible to submit their input. Basically people submit how many pixels they want and what color they want them to be. At a certain date I will stop collecting submissions and take all the data and create an image out of it.
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Breaking The News - Be a News-Jockey by Marc Lee Just tell us a headline or your favorite words and we'll create a modifiable streaming news-station for you.
About NJ (News-Jockey):
Friends ask: Could you help me to cook up a news that I'll like? Those questions often evolved into great conversations. Friends told us their favorite headlines, and we in turn created new stories. [...]
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