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Face #7 PostScript is a widely used file format for describing images, usually to be displayed on either laser printers or computer screens.
The beauty of this file format is that it is a fully functioning and elegant computer language. When you use PostScript to print a document, you're sending a program to be executed by your printer.
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[ view project | view feature ] DOS pseudoviruses collection You can explore this small DOS pieces collection as a background resource for most of the digital art aesthetics built upon in the 90s (note the functional meanings of the virus-carrying parts that have been removed from the current collection). You can look at it as your digital ancestral nest created through the efforts of anonymous laborers, and serving a cultural material storage room for [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] discomus.exe Playing music on a floppy drive can be compared to writing poetry with an electric iron. Discomus symbolizes the victory of the human being over the machine, as it performs a task that was not never planned or even imagined by its fathers-engineers. Discomus is even more exciting as the performed task is much more complicated than driving nails into a plank with a mobile phone, for instance. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] os_anm Os_anm is another project which takes us back to a recent digital past, the adolescence of digital art, when lines and forms were simple and so much could be expressed with limited resources. Old low-tech aesthetics was quickly replaced by the new one without any of its apparatus being fully experienced, explored or appreciated. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] pro][tean][.lapsing.txts Both entries are collections of E-Mail messages, or, in the artist's terminology, "wurks"; "Re (ad.htm" was given an honorary mention by the festival jury of read_me 1.2.
In mid- to late 1990s, a subgenre of Net.art emerged in the Internet, particularly on mailing lists, which spoke in strange tongues of English interspersed with network protocol code, IRC slang, snippets of program code, [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] .Re ___________________________(ad.htm Both entries are collections of E-Mail messages, or, in the artist's terminology, "wurks"; "Re (ad.htm" was given an honorary mention by the festival jury of read_me 1.2.
In mid- to late 1990s, a subgenre of Net.art emerged in the Internet, particularly on mailing lists, which spoke in strange tongues of English interspersed with network protocol code, IRC slang, snippets of program code, [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] London.pl The first known proposal for writing poetry in computer programming languages is from 1962 and appeared in the first manifesto of the Oulipo, a group of poets and mathematicians founded by Raymond Queneau and François le Lionnais. The manifesto suggested advancements in "des vocabulaires particuliers (corbeaux, renards, marsouins ; langage Algol des ordinateurs électroniques, etc.)", [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Jabberwocky The first known proposal for writing poetry in computer programming languages is from 1962 and appeared in the first manifesto of the Oulipo, a group of poets and mathematicians founded by Raymond Queneau and François le Lionnais. The manifesto suggested advancements in "des vocabulaires particuliers (corbeaux, renards, marsouins ; langage Algol des ordinateurs électroniques, etc.)", [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Connector The social meaning of music has radically changed through XX century, music has to a large extent lost its ritual and metaphysical functions. Artists have freed themselves from former social constraints to be enslaved by new, technological ones. It is hardly a coincidence that all the achievements in the development of music in the last years have been related to sound. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Various CueCat Hacks
[ view project | view feature ] DeArt - DeCSS Art Contest (et al)
[ view project | view feature ] .walk Algorithms are by no way limited to computer software, and computer - as devices which execute algorithms - are by no way limited to chip-based electronic hardware. La Monte Young's "Draw a straight line and follow it" is a plastic example of an algorithm which can be executed by any kind of being or hardware which thus acts as a "computer" executing the algorithm. ". [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Composition 1961 1-29 In 1961, Henry Flynt defined concept art as an art "of which the material is 'concepts,' as the material of for ex. music is sound". If software art is, among others, art whose material is formal instruction code, then concept art and software art have two things in common:
1. the collapsing of notation and execution of a concept into one piece;
2. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] UNMOVIE Unmovie is an amusing approach to artificial intelligence. The project's chatting bot characters all try to talk about the same subject, but their AI brains have been seeded with texts in the style of celebrities (or at least famous stereotypes): Bob Dylan, Andrei Tarkovsky, a cyberlover, etc. The bots perform on the onscreen stage using overdramatic thespian voices: bad actors, badly acting. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] connoisseur You might see this merely as a funny joke, but it also looks increasingly like an inevitable future. If machines create artistic product, then why not use other machines to evaluate it? Polyphonic HMI (http://www.polyphonichmi.com) already offers a similar service in music evaluation: nothing less then "proprietary music analysis technologies capable of identifying music preferences of a user or [read more]
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