featured projects
Visual Poetry Featured by Amy Alexander.
Visual Poetry is a Google project. "Yikes!" you cry, "Not Another Google Project! There are so many of those already. Software art must be dead." I'd like suggest we move toward a certain type of sophistication here, which seems to me to be a tad slow to come to digital media art for some reason. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] The 8 Bit Construction Set Featured by Alessandro Ludovico.
Even if mostly unknown it was a not so rare practice in the English eighties pop scene to include software on a vinyl music track. Some code written for the so popular Sinclair Spectrum was included in ten or so vinyl and cassette releases ranging from the most basic ascii art messages to graphic adventures, challenging the customers to record them on tape and [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Microswapper Featured by Hans Bernhard [Ubermorgen & Etoyholding].
microswapper was a fresh_funky_&_juicy microtalk manipulation with deep-sea flair. the microswapper uses the microtalk [javascript chat-system] of the micromusic [mm] online communicty. the microtalk is the most heavily used community tool [70K messages per month]. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Loogie.net Featured by Casey Reas.
loogie.net TV claims to "satisfy the wants and needs of the TV viewer even better than before". By typing keywords into the loogie.net remote control, the viewer is able to receive a custom, real-time news broadcast compiled from related information on the Internet. The project uses the visual language of broadcast media such as CNN and BBC to lend an air of authority to [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] extreme whitespace Featured by Anne Laforet.
Extreme Whitespace is a perl script that transforms an unix terminal into a realtime video instrument by constantly adding whitespace into the console. Typed words get multiplied, warped, slanted, with changes of colours, plays on patterns...
At once minimal and elegant, this software turns the familiar and everyday environment of a terminal into performance space, [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Simple Sex Site Cyborg Link Harvester Featured by Jacob Lillemose.
It did not take to porn industry long to figure out how to exploit the commercial potential of the Internet. Saving customers the embarrassment of exposing their hornyness in public stores porn could be presented directly on their personal computers. They just had to enter their credit card numbers and the doors of pornographical perception were wide open.
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[ view project | view feature ] minimalistic Featured by Amy Alexander.
When I was a child, local fairs often used to have a booth at which a machine rotated a paper card very rapidly on a spindle. You were handed bottles of colored paint, and you squeezed the paint onto the rotating card, creating what appeared to be tidy, concentric circles of color. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] tmp sys FLOAT Featured by Hans Bernhard [Ubermorgen & Etoyholding].
to describe the power of tmp sys is as difficult as realizing an idea you had on a lsd-trip. you have to see tmp sys, you have to feel it in order to understand it. but anyway i give it a dry try in this feature: boris kopeinig is a very understaty artist, highly intelligent in his sharp attacks onto code visualisation and very strict in his [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] CueJack
[ view project | view feature ] TelematicMix Featured by Annina RĂ¼st.
The main component of TelematicMix is "Human Capital" which parodies training software for Indian call center agents. It features the simplistic views and company-jargon that form the basis of these applications and their marketing to potential customers. The first part is a "setup assistant" - a kind of psycho test to determine thes suitability of a potential worker [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Yellowtail Featured by Casey Reas.
In September 2000, the Audiovisual Environment Suite (AVES) made its debut at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria. These excellent performances by Golan Levin, Scott Gibbons, and Greg Shakar, produced an innovative synthesis of image and sound. The AVES software translates the hand gestures of the performer into a simultaneous visual and aural amplifications. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] The Bank of Time Featured by Geoff Cox.
The Bank of Time is a screensaver that is informed by the vagaries of the stock market, and the financial sector in general. Unlike much work in this area that uses financial markets or makes ironic reference to the business sector, The Bank of Time is a subtle and allegorical comment on idleness and growth. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] retroyou R/C 1 - retroYou R/C
While Joan Leandre's work could be seen as belonging to a popular subgenre of software art, it still is unique in its field. Next to ASCII Art, code poetry and denial-of-service code, modifications of commercial computer games are one field of hacker culture and artisanship that has been adopted, and modified in this course, in the experimental digital arts of the past few years. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] MacMag Virus A computer virus for the early Apple Macintosh, written and disseminated as an artistic prank in 1988, thirteen years prior to the artistic computer virus "biennale.py" by 0100101110101101.org and EpidemiC.
To promote the virus from their office in Montreal, Barnoz took advantage of the fact that he was simultaneously a Neoists and the editor of the popular Canadian computer zine "MacMag". [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] pngreader pngreader decodes specifically encoded PNG image files into other, like, for example, the text of a novel. This software works on the assumption that the digital zeros and ones of an arbitrary image - say, an abstract drawing or a portrait of Marilyn Monroe - could be the same zeros and ones of an ASCII text file, like (for example) Jorge Borges' short stories.
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