featured projects
[ view project | view feature ] Kraut v0.9 Kraut is a lexical converter, which converts English text into text with a German accent. It is easy to surmise that this triggers a lot of negative reactions, as the author states so clearly his non-nationalistic position in the introductory text, to the extent that he uses the private facts of his genealogy to prove his good intentions. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Bible (alphabetical order) As the author mentions on the project homepage: "By applying one system by which we order and make sense of things (alphabetical order), to another that is wide open to interpretation (the Bible), we are left with bugger-all, apart from some pretty patterns, but in a minimal, texty way, so it looks like art."
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[ view project | view feature ] marchtowar.com A group of Texas oilmen and their mascot come to control the White House; in office, they do what they did in Texas. In addition, they achieve marked victories over two developing nations: one a haven for the violently angry and in the way of an oil pipeline, the other ruled by a fairly awful regime that has nationalized [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Julu Alan Sondheim is a New York-based artist and essayistic writer active in the experimental arts since the early 1970s. Since 1995, he works on his "Internet text" [http://www.anu.edu.au/english/internet_txt/], a body of experimental E-Mail writing that criss-crosses and defies such categories as literature, philosophy, E-Mail art, codework, autobiography. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Babel I've been slightly wary of Simon Bigg's work. The claims the work makes for itself are sometimes just slightly beyond the reach of the means which it deploys to grasp and shape them. Sometimes it's the technology, at others, the concept. There's a bit of pomposity too, the aroma of a grand summation. In Babel however this is precisely what makes the work sing.
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[ view project | view feature ] gogolchat Gogolchat is a bot whose dialogue is gathered from web texts. It actually responds to what you write, but with dialogue gathered from the web - and so it takes on the web's "personality." One finds oneself in the familiar Eliza-patient situation: asking Gogolchat questions, expecting sterile, generic, occasionally logical AI responses incorporating one's questions. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] SPS SPS suggests an unusual mode of human-computer interaction as it does not employ any computer input mechanisms, and there is no physical interaction between the human and the machine. However, the human plays the game with the computer, as if he/she was Kasparov and his or her home desktop was Deep Blue.
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[ view project | view feature ] ZNC browser ZNC is the revenge of colour and sound on text. The browser calls up a site selected by the user. Every site on the web is usually a long string of letters and numbers, arranged to be read by the software with which their ordering has co-evolved.
Many of the browsers produced by artists, and by others (see for instance the funny Opera take on Microsoft's attempt to exclude this browser from [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] BitmapSequencer The music studio is moving from hardware (racks of synths and sliders) to software (emulated racks of synths with external slider controllers). We look at a computer that offers endless possibilities for manipulating structure and form, and reduce it merely to emulating synthesisers and interfaces we already know. This tells of a profound
lack of imagination.
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[ view project | view feature ] Duff's Device Duff's Device is an example of an algorithm that can be appreciated from a purely formalist perspective. Like most algorithms, it turns input into output. But in the case of Duff's Device, it's the way it does what comes in between that's of interest.
The process is complicated to understand even for C programmers; it's kind of like trying to figure out an M.C. Escher image. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Dictionaraoke Dictionaraoke is not a piece of software, but a website dedicated to a particular way of misusing specific software, which also contains a collection of the results of this misuse. The idea is very simple - both in terms of its concept and realization. You are supposed to pick a pop song, run its lyrics through an online dictionary equipped with a text-to-speech engine, record the result, and [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] walser.php BACKGROUND
walser.php, walser.pl and makewalser.php are political and literary software written in reaction to one of the biggest literary scandals in post-war Germany.
Martin Walser is one of the best-known living German novelist; like Gьnter Grass and Heinrich Bцll, his background is the postwar "Gruppe 47" of left-wing realist writers. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Video Killed the Radio Star Somehow, this project's approach to indexing song lyrics reminds a little bit of runme itself.
Words usually have specific, emotionally (over)loaded meanings in the context of pop songs. In Jonathan Harel's Lyrics Collection, they become database fodder, to be indexed and cross-referenced with one another in seemingly arbitrary ways that reveal something about the emotion and logic of [read more]
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