featured projects
Postmodernism Generator The Postmodernism Generator was originally written in 1996 by Andrew C. Bulhak and later modified by Josh Larios, using software based on Bulhak's "Dada Engine" - a system for generating texts using algorithms to determine syntax. The Dada engine accompanies Bulhak's technical paper, "On the Simulation of Postmodernism and Mental Debility Using Recursive Transition Networks." [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] marchtowar.com A group of Texas oilmen and their mascot come to control the White House; in office, they do what they did in Texas. In addition, they achieve marked victories over two developing nations: one a haven for the violently angry and in the way of an oil pipeline, the other ruled by a fairly awful regime that has [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] God's Eye Sintron is a master hypnotist and software engineer. His software is being used by NASA to manage the workflow of the International Space Station. His portable, automated memory-implantation pods may soon be featured on the ships of a major cruise line. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] The Injunktion Generator Although the law is supposed to protect us, the privilege of its use is reserved for specialized, certified experts, and most of the time this means that the law is used by whoever has the most cash to victimize those without it. The Injunktion Generator provides an entertaining public service by automating and making available to [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Homeland Security Threat Monitor The Homeland Security Threat Monitor is a very simple, direct, and funny application. It's an icon that sits in your Windows system tray – along with the icons that keep you apprised of network status, whether someone's trying to break into your computer, stock quotes and weather - all the "real-time" applications that display information with which you presumably need to keep up to the minute. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Tempest for Eliza "TEMPEST (Telecommunications Electronics Material Protected from Emanating Spurious Transmissions) was the name of a classified (secret) U.S. government project to study (probably for the purpose of both exploiting and guarding against) the susceptibility of some computer and telecommunications devices to emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in a manner that can be used to reconstruct intelligible [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] SuPerVillainizer - Conspiracy Client As paranoid governments chase phantom perpetrators, they manifest "criminals" where no one has broken the law. In the US alone, thousands of people are being held for unspecified reasons under the USA [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Travesty Travesty, as it's mostly known today, is a Perl program for scrambling a text based on the frequency with which pairs of words appear in the original text. The result is a strange parody of the original. It can also be used to scramble multiple texts - which creates a parody that algorithmically draws parallels between the two (because it reveals how some of the same idioms/structures are used [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] DOGS Many computer viruses don't exist as running machine code, but as imaginary software implanted into the user's imagination, instigating it to copy and disseminate the virus. The most prominent examples of such "memes" (to use a controversial concept of the biologist Richard Dawkins who defines them as "contagious ideas") are so-called hoax viruses, E-Mail messages supposedly sent by anti-virus [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] forkbomb Multiuser/multitasking operating systems such as Unix/Linux/BSD, but also contemporary versions of Windows and the MacOS, provide complex security mechanisms to ensure that normal users can neither mess with the system configuration, nor crash or reboot the computer. However, unless special precautions were made by the system administrator, most of these operating system can be crashed or at least [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Rotten Flesh The antithesis of sweetcode.org, rotten flesh highlights the genericity endemic in the "Open Source community."
Rottenflesh is a satirical attack on http://freshmeat.net, an index of free software and a major Open Source institution. The big problem with freshmeat.net is that it's inflicted daily with piles of half-brained nonsense; broken MP3 taggers, dodgy CGI scripts and (of course) [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] sweetcode.org A familiar criticism of free, or 'open source' software is that it isn't innovative, requiring proprietry software to feed it with ideas.
It's a strange criticism considering the roots of software, the code that forms the basis of our operating systems and networks and the huge playground of free software from which students may gain inspiration.
[read more]
[ view project | view feature ] n_Gen Design Machine n_Gen is a program that generates design automatically and can thus be compared to other programs that generate music (Band-in-a-Box), texts (Postmodernism generator), poetry (Poem of the Masses), and images (read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Dasher Dasher is intended as a utility to enable typing in situations where a keyboard can't be used. One might expect some sort of dry but functional "innovation" in human-computer interaction - perhaps with some gratuitous visual flourishes thrown in. As the authors acknowledge on the website, Dasher is somewhat difficult to learn. [read more]
[ view project | view feature ] Google Groups Art Sometimes people question whether Google Groups Art is ASCII Art. It's even been kicked off alt.ascii-art, the Usenet ASCII art newsgroup. And, it uses color, whereas "traditional" ASCII art is monochrome. But like ASCII art, it's a hack to magically transform plain ASCII text into images - and the hack is the point. [read more]
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