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twenty-four projects

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collaboration community conceptual collaborative information open_source installation sexy dangerous instructive interactive simulation death interface 3d deconstructive intuitive abstract performance abuse design performative sound active aesthetics philosophical stimulation algorithmic lawyer_resistant email audiovisual automation mac presence formalist probability found_object process fractal trash friendly trivial generative chaos mindware random code minimalistic realtime modal remix representation violence musical screensaver nude semantic illegal cute imagery PHP plagiaristic anti_information linux surveillance Google network copyright voyeur noisy on-line dada patterns subjectivity eccentric poetry educational pop_culture archive literary symmetry live synesthesia talking flash folk text_manipulation mathematical meme messaging metaphorical typing vectorial visual neural_net countercultural war news post-dotcom montage glitch porn junk ironic subversive dysfunctional photography sampling perl obfuscated html pragmatic java antropomorphic javascript c mobile multiuser political terrorism criticism robot irc identity decorative market capitalism paranoid dhtml speech provocative utility historical scary sharing filesharing programming hackerly iterative posix voice disturbing drugs efficient lowtech body psychiatric feedback RSS debate illustration database authorship coding useless free_software windows playing desktop HCI P2P plugin apocalyptic evangelist religious Twitter binary blog consciousness scientific outsource BBS privacy Facebook lisp ascii propaganda human anachronistic story 1980s

Digital Objects, Matthew Fuller
oversaturation, hernandez, werkhoven, acevedo
Photo Noise, Steve or Steven Read
spheres, Santiago Ortiz
real time contextual art generator, Don Relyea
AIKON, Leymarie, Tresset
The Party at the Center of the Universe, Pall Thayer
Sinister Social Network, Annina RĂ¼st
Go-Logo, Eric Londaits
State of the Union, Brad Borevitz
Hyperyarn, criticalartware
On Everything, Pall Thayer
Psych|OS-Generator, UBERMORGEN.COM
Pixel Collaboration, Krista Quick
the wreckers, Dave Miller
Much TODO, Steven Read
Desktop3D explorer, 1dot1(c.streinz)
ShiftSpace, Dan Phiffer, Mushon Zer-Aviv (& more)
Nude Studies in Aleatoric Environments, Pall Thayer
The Last Supper, Eugenio Tisselli - Leonardo da Vinci
Polishness, Ian Wojtowicz
#twitterart, Various Authors
Evil, Tom Scott
naked on pluto, Aymeric Mansoux, Marloes de Valk & Dave Griffiths

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Light Pattern
Drunk Eliza
naked on pluto
100.000.000 stolen pixels
Incorrect Music 2

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LYCAY (Let Your Code plAY)
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The Invisible Hand Machine
Towards a Permanently Temporary Software Art Factory