latest projects
WALLRIGHT by Diana Antunes, Flávia Neves, João Filipe, Luis Confraria, Nuno Caldeira The Wallright project was spawned from the idea that every one of us is an artist.
Conceptually speaking, one of the main points to consider is the fact that, traditionally, art is associated with small elites. With this project, so long that we manage to integrate in it an artistic side, we intend to bring the masses closer to a less than common means of expression for most. [...]
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Incorrect Music by Andreja Andric Where software becomes an art form, software development becomes an art practice. Consequently also code testing and code inspection, as activities towards discovering errors in code, become likewise part of the artistic process, being integral part of software development process.
Errors can be catastrophic or just amusing, but sometimes they lead us by a shortcut to secret places we would [...]
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p by Sampath Jagannathan In p, a bunch of particles interact with each other according to this simple rule: every particle must move towards, away or watch another particle. When the program starts, each particle chooses a random color, position and the particle it will move towards, away or watch. As the program runs, some particles join together to form a train and journey together thereafter. [...]
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GRRF by GRRF (Gaming Response Research Foundation) A familiar problem: a highly sophisticated piece of software has been developed, but things just don't seem to be going well at the demo...
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Pixel Collaboration by Krista Quick This is a collaborative peice of net art. For it to work I need as many people as possible to submit their input. Basically people submit how many pixels they want and what color they want them to be. At a certain date I will stop collecting submissions and take all the data and create an image out of it.
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Animator vs. Animation II by Alan Becker A Flash-animated character takes on Flash and a variety of other desktop software - as well as his animator.
A contemporary twist on the tradition of cel-animated films in which a character interacts with its creator and the "real" world.
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BetaBlocker by Dave Griffiths BetaBlocker is a livecoding performance and a piece of software. It's a virtual acid techno machine which is live coded with a gamepad to create code and processes which modify and destroy each other in 256 bytes of memory. The machine's memory and processes are projected and integral to the performance.
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Psych|OS-Generator by UBERMORGEN.COM The Psych|OS Generator generates diagnoses and creates medical prescriptions. The user can either answer a questionnaire or select a medical condition from the standardized WHO and U.S.A. list of mental illnesses (ICD-10 & DSM IV). The machine then generates a diagnosis and a "prints" a prescription with the list of psychotropic drugs to cure the disease.
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ansinerator by Tamas Kemenczy Ansinerator is a PHP library that processes ANSI graphics for the web.
Ansinerator's primary feature is the ability to generate PNG representations of art drawn in classic ANSI terminal emulation ('ANSI art'), but it also has a robust set of classes that can be used to further generate, manipulate and format ANSI art using an object-oriented workflow with an emphasis on fully integrating the [...]
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Plasma Pong by Steve Taylor From the author:
"PLASMA PONG is a variation of PONG that utilizes real-time fluid dynamics to drive the game environment.
Players have several new abilities that add fun twists to the classic game. In the game you can inject plasma fluid into the environment, create a vacuum from your paddle, and blast shockwaves into the playing area. [...]
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calltrace by Adam Marks calltrace is a live visualization of a running computer program. each box is a function in the code, each line is a function call.
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J B Wock by Eugenio Tisselli J B Wock is a PHP script that writes his own blog almost every night.
The posts generated by J B Wock follow these steps:
1. J B Wock takes a famous quotation from a "Famous Quotes" RSS feed. (this would be the seed of the process)
2. Then he finds synonyms for each of the words in the phrase. This process can happen from one to three times, recursively. ( [...]
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nam shub web 0.1 by jörg piringer nam shub web is a website processor. it takes the textual content of external websites and applies user defined rules to generate visual poetry out of it. these rules consist of operations that change the text or modify the visual appearance. each set of rules can be stored and published for others to view and alter. however nam shub web does not store any actual content. [...]
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Colorful Tentacle 512b (aka Errors per Second) by nitro2k01 A javascript program which draws a tentacle cycling through all kinds of colors.
It's 512 bytes small and was coded in one hour.
WARNING! Some browsers, mainly firefox, are too slow to draw this thing correctly, and might hang or slow down your computer if your CPU is slow. (500 MHz and below) Use Opera for guaranteed good speed.
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On Everything by Pall Thayer "On Everything" generates a real-time audio/visual presentation of everything by appropriating material being shared by the worldwide public in the form of shared images and diaries. The source material is endless, thus the work goes on forever. Material is synthesized, mixed and, ultimately, abstracted, to allow for varied interpretation. " [...]
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