latest projects
Hackers and Painters by Paul Graham Recent essay by the designer of Arc language, x-president of Viaweb, and author of books "On Lisp" and "ANSI Common Lisp".
Though the essay operates with the hackers' concepts of "beautiful software" and uses the example of Leonardo to illustrate how a hacker's artistic career can eventually evolve, it is extremely interesting in a way it describes the common patterns of "computer science" [...]
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Triggerhappy by Thomson & Craighead A playable on-line re-creation of the ATARI classic, 'Space Invaders' where instead of fending off pixelly alien invaders, you must defend yourself against paragraphs of philosophical text taken from Michel Foucault's essay, 'What is an Author?' The game has nine levels and each player is given three lives. [...]
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Initialize by Pantopicon Array and selection: the production of parallel meaning and reading through substructure and the initialized code.
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Egobot by Philipp Lenssen Egobot likes to answer your question -- any question. On you, him, or the world in general. He pulls all his ideas from Google using the Google Web API. He's mostly talkative, rarely evasive, and almost always in good mood.
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AGENTBEATS by Mikkel Bertelsen AGENTBEATS is software within which "artificial life" determines the time-musical evolution of musical patterns.
Each musical pattern/BEAT is linked to an AGENT.
AGENTs have relations to other AGENTs.
Their "physical" place in the AGENTuniverse is determined by a "behaviour" algorithm that among other parameters considers the following:
- relation to "closest" AGENTs.
- [...]
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Genetic Art by Adriano Abbado, Marco Stefani This freeware program for the Apple PPC platform creates images based on the genetic concepts of cross-over and mutation.
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particles by Ole Kristensen mousereactive complex reiterations in 3d
particle system rendered using open gl
same motion 15 expressions
[Ed note: The original download link no longer works -- we have replaced it with a link to the artist's site. Interested visitors may contact the artist for details about the original project.]
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Yellowtail by Golan Levin YELLOWTAIL is an interactive software system for the gestural creation and performance of real-time abstract animation. Yellowtail repeats a user's strokes end-over-end, enabling simultaneous specification of a line's shape and quality of movement. Each line repeats according to its own period, producing an ever-changing and responsive display of lively, worm-like textures.
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sondheim.exe by Lewis LaCook Writer Alan Sondheim mentioned in conversation about a month ago that, in the 1970s, he'd written a text program that recast the user's text as they entered it...a kind of trickster Windows Notepad. Fascinated, I immediately began working on my own version of this program.
The result is sondheim.exe, a standalone artware application written in Visual Basic that recasts your text, sometimes [...]
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non-weddings by Christophe Bruno This work, made in 2002, was inspired by a drawing by Jacques Lacan in "L'instance de la lettre dans l'inconscient" (Ecrits, Editions du Seuil), as I realized that the search engines on the Internet had some similarities with this presentation.
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Fascinum by Christophe Bruno This piece created in 2001, shows the pictures the most viewed (ranked from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo portals.
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The Google Adwords Happening by Christophe Bruno April 2002: how a large scale poetry happening on Google Adwords, unveiled the Generalized Semantic Capitalism.
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MIDIPoet by Eugenio Tisselli MIDIPoet is a tool for composing and performing pieces that involve interactive text and image. It is divided in two separate programs: the composer, which lets you create a piece by drawing diagrams, and the player, that lets you perform the previously composed pieces. The MIDIPoet pieces can be thought of as visual performances, in which text and image on the screen respond to external events: a [...]
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DSTRKTR by stk An alternative browsing experience combining user interaction and randomness. Results range from the strangely beautiful to the nonsensically asinine.
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micromusic by micromusic team multimedia net_work_community_system
micromusic was brought to life in november 1998 by carl (gino esposto, zurich - switzerland) and superB (michael burkhardt, basel - schweiz) under the code name "futurelab". the following months were used to define the project, program and finally put the website online in the beginning of august 1999.
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