latest projects
The Plagiarist Manifesto by Plagiarist (assisted by Amy Alexander) WE at plagiarist.org know that it's very important for artists to have a manifesto. It shows passion! It shows conviction! It's good practice for posting opinionated comments to mailing lists! Here's ours - every bit as relevant now as when we first published it in 1998.
Once, in 1999, some lawyers at DuPont got mad at us over our Plagiarist Acquisitions project (http://plagiarist.org/acquisiti [...]
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Disk Defragmenter by mi_ga Disk Defragmenter is a tool included in all versions of Windows after Windows 95. It is designed to reorganize the data on your hard drive so that your computer runs more efficiently. It can be accessed, by clicking the START button then Accessories then System Tools then Disk Defragmenter.
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gogolchat by jimpunk & christophe bruno ...
:nclud:nG-GøgølChat f°r GølgøtChat ---
collaborative project on :
[ unbehagen | jimpunk ] .com
Originally this piece (GogolChat by Christophe Bruno) was conceived as a multi-user chat where a fictitious character, named Gogol, lives. This character has a mythical status, since his speech tends towards the sum of all speeches of mankind. [...]
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SPS by (Karl-)Robert Ek SPS is working on the world. It is a pedagogical artpiece.
The two versions of the wellknown game, paper rock scissors, Iґve made, represent two different kinds of interactivity.
The first, SPS, uses the metaphors we are used to in the digital space. For example, as with a 'desktop environment', something happens when one clicks something. [...]
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Netsleeping by Gregory Chatonsky Netsleeping is a cooperative screensaver created by Gregory Chatonsky. More and more connections are permanent (DSL/cable). It is an immense change in our relation to the network: we don't connect anymore to the Internet with a telephonic modem, the flux is always available, information is just in waiting of navigation like an independent and strange world. [...]
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GNU emacs by Richard Stallman Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor.
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sweetcode.org by Dan Egnor From the site:
Sweetcode reports innovative free software. "Innovative" means that the software reported here isn't just a clone of something else or a minor add-on to something else or a port of something else or yet another implementation of a widely recognized concept. (These are all perfectly fine and useful things, they're just not what this site is for.) " [...]
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haiku by Danny O'Brien A script that finds westernised 'haiku'. It's nice to run over familiar texts, and have sentences presented to you in poetic form.
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ap0202.10 by artem baguinski, martin howse ap0202 makes use of current de-centralized p2p inter-networking technologies to implement multiple self display devices virtually on any networked machine. the environment for the changing code is both the network and the machine on which the software is running cells of code promiscuously modify and are modified by data available to the machine; audio input and output, video, stored information [...]
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NewZoid by Daniel Young World's only generator of up-to the-minute false news headlines.
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Acme::Handwave by Simon Kent Acme::Handwave is really just a piece of silliness. It's a perl module which allows you to enter a data structure, and the result you really want your program to return, if you had time to code complicated algorithms.
Handwave will dutifully return exactly what you expected to see, allowing you to get on with your coding :)
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TelematicMix by Sejal Chad, Beatrice Gibson, Adrian Ward Human Capital is a piece of voice [text.sound] composition software [packaged and potentially marketed[?] as a training tool for use by India based teleworkers] that parodies the ‘communication philosophies’ of the call centers, namely their concept of a generic globalised [market?] identity. At the same time the software hopes to explore in its potential for text sound composition the [...]
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Timescape by Reynald Drouhin Can the Internet be exhibited?
24 hous a day search engines seek pictures on the internet. "Timescape" presents a glimpse into these searches as they happen, in real time.
The Timescape landscapes appear as fleeting electronic canvases through an accumulation of random photographic mosaics.
The contents of the landscapes are different with every new connection and each time the page is [...]
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Bible (alphabetical order) by Rory Macbeth This dos app (coded by Ian Macbeth) reorganises the complete text of the bible (in this instance, but any text you give it really) into alphabetical order.
Did *you* know that the worlds most popular book has 313 exclamation marks, 56 'slaughters' and 86 instances of the word 'ass'?
Without bibalph, how would you ever have found out eh?
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Useless Utilities by saul A text about software art written in 2000.
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