latest projects
RANDALE! by Tom Klingenberg RANDALE! mixes both the concept of ASCII and Pixel Art and transpose this mixture into the shiny and blinky world of animated Smilies and Emoticons.
Runs on Win32 and Wine under Linux and creates text you can paste into your IM Client.
1.) start the .exe file
2.) type in some text in the box on top (optional, you can leave RANDALE! in there for a test)
3.) [...]
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I don't work since... by Paolo Casalis It is a net-art work, a sort of “social game†like the ones by molleindustria.it .
You can find it here:
I don't work since... - revolutionary screensaver designed for temporary workers
A couple of yeas ago, at work ,I had this screensaver installed on my desktop. [...]
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Schalalala - a fan scarf remix project by Rüdiger Schlömer, Jan Lindenberg "Schalalala" is an experimental remix project on the basis of fan-scarfs. The basic idea is to misuse the fan-scarf as a communication medium, recombining existing scarfs into new statements and therefore enabling the fans to active wording.
The project name refers to its character and structural relations ("Schal" is German for scarf), which go from playful-musical to humourous-subversive usage [...]
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Notepad3D1.1 by 1dot1(c.streinz) np3D is a program, to built ASCII-paintings with a simply 3D-effect. The focus on these project is to develop applications, which have a useful and a easy GUI(graphical user interface) to help you making visual art-projects or abstract ASCII-images in just a few minutes. My intention at these project is to give letters or texts a new type of expression and the users get a tool to explore the third [...]
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lookless by botnik lookless generates an image with a randomly selected background color and a small text in black or white.
by using the jpg compression, the image will turning more and more into an abstract picture.
the process is repeatet by the refresh tag of html - the lower the compression (it goes down in 20 steps from 100 to 0) the higher the refresh periode.
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The Search Wall by Mladen Zagorac The Search Wall is a collaborative tele-interactive Internet art work reflecting what people are searching for on the Internet. Privacy issues almost daily make news and are a large concern for many of the Internet’s users. However, through daily usage of search engines we nevertheless willingly gradually disclose it.
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Breaking The News - Be a News-Jockey by Marc Lee Just tell us a headline or your favorite words and we'll create a modifiable streaming news-station for you.
About NJ (News-Jockey):
Friends ask: Could you help me to cook up a news that I'll like? Those questions often evolved into great conversations. Friends told us their favorite headlines, and we in turn created new stories. [...]
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Open News Network (O-N-N) by Marc Lee and Christoph Ganser The Open News Network (O-N-N) endeavors to bring together the creative and communicative potential of Internet users in order to better represent the opinions of each individual in the media landscape.
Going beyond the established frontiers of news distribution and media technologies, members of O-N-N communicate using peer to peer networks to try to get individual opinions established in the [...]
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Al Jazari by Dave Griffiths A musical game environment for robot livecoding. Al-Jazari was an influential scholar and engineer who lived at the beginning of the 13th century, this project was inspired by his robot musicians who were designed to play at royal drinking parties.
Al-Jazari is livecoded entirely by gamepad, and employs a simple graphical language to allow the robots to interact with each other and move over a [...]
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Semantic Disturbances by Agam Andreas A type of subversion exploiting text-based media. cf:(http://rhizome.org/member.rhiz?user_id=1004911) This work makes use of text generative techniques to present Google definitions assembled and chosen by the author . Textual fragments found on the Web are rearranged, deformed, or crushed to make them appear as an actual text. [...]
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programmed paintings by Denis Santelli A set of “programmed paintings†where a vocabulary of elaborate plastic forms is animated through an open set of programming rules. This “transformation grammar†allows for a deliberate part of accidents, while taking inspiration from modern scientific models (auto-organizational systems).
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promiscuOS by ap/xxxxx PromiscuOS concerns non-functional artistic generation at socially-implied levels of code and production, favouring promiscuous, leaky code and data over security and division by function or task. The PromiscuOS project proposes the modification and re-distribution of an already existing GNU/Linux operating system with attendant functional applications. [...]
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the wreckers by Dave Miller The grounding of the MSC Napoli off the Devon coast, and the public looting of washed-up containers on Branscombe Beach, generated huge
public debate. Internet articles, forums, blogs were buzzing with the topic.
My latest project 'the wreckers' is concerned with the events on Branscombe Beach, and is what I call a 'debate drawing'. [...]
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Time Based Text by Jaromil & Jodi Emphasis in writing is an additional information in text, as the typing performance can vehicle feelings: mail, blogs and more written media could use this for a "human touch". The implementation is simple, open source and cross platform: Time Based Text.
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Net.tv by Garrett Lynch Net.tv is a cross between a browser and a streaming media player designed to view the internet as it really is, code or more specifically markup, not a series of web pages designed under a print metaphor. It makes no attempt to interpret the code into an organised layout as do conventional browsers, instead it displays the code as an audio-visual stream of indeterminate length.
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