latest projects
Sonification of Virtual Space - 1 by Mark Brady SOVS1 is an audio-visual ambient installation, mapping the activity of a "transient community" of unwitting interactors, all of whom are participating in a peer-to-peer file-sharing network. This network is the backbone of popular file sharing software such as Morpheus, LimeWire and Bareshare. Day and night music, video, images and software are freely traded between the networked peers. [...]
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WebWaste.Net by Ragnar Helgi Olafsson WEBWASTE // WebWaste is an Internet rubbish dump; a collective yet anonymous dustbin, open to all Internet users. By going onto WebWaste you can browse through the rubbish and inspect what Internet users before you have thrown away. This might include images, texts, sounds and movie clips.
THE DUSTMAN // WebWaste collects trash from your own computer's Recycle Bin and uploads it to the waste [...]
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Movie Mincer by Sergey Teterin An old soviet mincer is used as a laptop-connected device to manually generated video streams (mincer > laptop > beamer > screen).Movie mincer allows to show motion pictures by turning the mincer's handle reviving and paroding the atmosphere of the first performances from the very dawn of cinema era. [...]
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Elvis Detector by Toggle Booleans Elvis Detector Version 1.0
(C) Copyright 1992 TOGGLE BOOLEANS
All rights reserved.
The TOGGLE BOOLEANS Elvis detector is designed to sense the
presence of Elvis or his spirit in your vicinity. It includes
some of the most reliable Elvis detection methods gathered from
supermarket tabloids over the last several years.
If you are running Windows 3.1 [...]
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dot_matrix_synth by Paul Slocum A 1985 Epson LQ-500 dot matrix printer turned into a musical instrument by reprogramming its EPROM. The author's band, Tree Wave, performs with the printer live - it prints patterns while playing music.
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AOLiza by Kevin Fox Excerpted from the project home page:
"The Back Story: In 1966 Joseph Weizenbaum at M.I.T. wrote ELIZA, a famous program that simulates a Rogerian psychoanalyst by taking excerpts from the subject's comments and posing questions back to the subject. While not a giant leap in AI programming, ELIZA (named after Eliza Dolittle in My Fair Lady) showed that some semblance of 'awareness' could be [...]
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ImageN by Leander Seige Provides access to a dedicated machine, generating every picture representable by 65536 bits. Furthermore one can upload an own picture and the machine will tell how long it takes until this one will appear.
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SpinOSC by ixi software SpinOSC is an interface to programs such as Pure Data or Supercollider that sends OSC messages. SpinOSC allows the user to create rotating objects - spins - that trigger messages while thy spin. The
number of messages they trigger depends on the number of boxes that each spin contains (1 to 10 at the moment).
The messages are in OSC format (Open Sound Control ).
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tmp sys FLOAT by boris.kopeinig.net tmp sys, algorithmic visual system
represented on screen is a group of (data) objects,
each visualizing two variables. one variable holds the
number of time units the object is displayed on screen.
the second variable acts as a counter.
if values are equal, a new random vaule is asigned to
variable one and the counter reset. the program
generates visual patterns.
< [...]
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Loogie.net by Marc Lee Loogie.net exists to enrich people’s lives with great programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain. Its vision is to be the most creative, trusted organisation in the world.
It provides a wide range of distinctive programmes and services for everyone, free of commercial interests and political bias. [...]
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makeBox by Dror Eyal Creates a randomly generated CD cover based on personal aesthetic preferences and the conceptual framework of your project by inputting the word or sentence of your choice and automatically sourcing images off the internet via the Google search engine.
Images from your local machine and some images from project creator?s temporary internet files folder are included.
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f0rwardpunk by Francis Hunger F0RWARDPUNK is consisting of 11 mail-adresses, and each will send it’s mail to the next one, without knowing what happened before and where it will be sent after. A loop has developed. Each of the mail-systems is doing what it has to do.
While a mail is in the loop, headerlines will repeat, except the time, that alters. [...]
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Window by Peter Luining Window is in fact a window where the part that normally shows the content is cut out. So all content that is underneath Window becomes it's content. Window does not only shows this content, but you can actually click on the content that is underneath it. Giving it a feel of a material object.
I made "Window" in the first place to focus the attention of the user on the nearly always present [...]
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DataDada by August Black DataDada, version <aldkjallkdjsfa>, is an application that will turn the stored data on your hard drive into a movie complete with sound, image, and subtitles. Essentially, it reads all the data on the disk (or, optionally, only specific directories), and writes the data to your computer's sound card and video display. [...]
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minimalistic by Paul Camacho minimalistic: a tiny 8x8 pixel graphic file (in PNG format) meta-programs the computer's graphics rendering subsystem to produce a work of optical art. Execution is performed by using the graphics file as the desktop wallpaper or background, with the sizing/tiling attribute set to "stretch".
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