latest projects
Polyptique by Frederic Madre & Veronique Muller a sort of image only mute wiki
where one can add images and pages
away, a social software experiment
there are 3 main elements to polyptique
pages, images and users all are stored in a mysql db, polyptique being
developed in php
at first we had to create one seed page, it's here
there was only the bonnie and clyde picture there and the [...]
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flyt dig by Ole Kristensen flyt dig lets the computer make a drawing based on motion. the software sees through a web cam, decides a direction, and draws a line.
instead of moving yourself, put flyt dig to some use. placed in front of a tv set flyt dig is useful for automated media consumption. the drawings become mappings of movement in time.
you can download and see flyt dig on your own pc. [...]
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untitled by Jan Robert Leegte In this work I’m taking a sidestep from the research of the physical experiences in most of my work. On the other hand this work also is very much set up as a sculpture opposing to a painting. The work is basically about experiencing space. But because of the non-descriptive quality of colour (as also in sound and music) in comparison to physical material it doesn’t allow you to get a grip on [...]
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The Post-PATRIOT Magnetic Motto Maker by deprogramming.us The web-filtering, motto-making, t-shirt-printing, magnet poetry software thingee and productivity tool.
You've probably seen word magnet poetry, the craze that's sweeping refrigerators around the globe. But did you know that the US Government uses magnet poetry to assemble its stirring slogans? How else to explain such eloquence as the full name of the USA PATRIOT Act:
"Uniting and [...]
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MPF by imbecil MPF (stands for MPeg Fucker) is a small shell script that does just what the name says: it fucks MP3 audio files. And what's more, it does so by using a silly but effective process: it converts the MP3 file into text, messes the text file, and then it switches it back to MP3, with the obvious audio transformation. There are two versions, with slightly different output. [...]
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trashconnection dictionary by roman minaev Trashconnection dictionary
"Am Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war Wort. Am Ende wird das Wort
sein, und das Wort wird Wort sein." Roman Minaev
Die Abhängigkeit der menschlichen Existenz von visuellen bzw.
phonetischen Symbolen, die Unentbehrlichkeit der kommunikationsbedingten
Codes fördern die Basics des sozialen Verhaltens. [...]
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Auracle by Max Neuhas, Phil Birk, Jason Freeman, Sekhar Ramachrisnan, Kristjan Varnik, David Birchfiled Auracle is a voice controlled networked music instrument. It was realized at Akademie Schloss Solitude by the Auracle Team. (Max Neuhas, Phil Burk, Jason Freeman, Sekhar Ramachrisnan, Kristjan Varnik and David Birchfield) The concept of the project grew from Max Neuhas' interactive radio works in the 1960s and 1970s.
Auracle is a networked sound instrument, controlled by the voice. [...]
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BUSH BOT 0.4 by rovebotics Have you ever wondered about the cyborg-like behavior of the 43rd president of the United States?
Finally, the software technology behind George W. Borg has been revealed: It is BUSH BOT 0.4 !
BUSH BOT 0.4 is based on chatbot technology developed in the mid 90ies.
This technology uses algorithms created in the early 20th century to allow the candidate to generate suitable replies by [...]
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blink by boris.kopeinig.net description: mindware, visual (self)stimulation pattern
additional keywords: frequency following response, high, clear screen, digital happiness, esc
edit: check pink boxes to build sequences, use keys x, y and mouse to reposition
attention: if you have epilepsy or visual photosensitivity, please do not use the software.
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a2b by Sampath Jagannathan a2b is an abstract computer game where you guide trains to their destination without letting them collide with each other.
The tracks are generated algorithmically - in initial levels they are few and simple but "grow" and become more complex at higher levels.
The trains are launched at regular intervals. [...]
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war.pl by w.blake The earth is a inch deep in frost.
Hard; breaking ground to bury the dead
The north is silent - Shadowed - waiting.
The sun eclipsed - by eagle wings and lion heart.
No one can plow or sow, type or code.
Spring buds and blossoms retard.
The sands of arabia grown.
The reign of cruelty is begun.
Disguised in charity & pity & peace.
Pity excusing poverty.
Charity excusing wealth.
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bigQuestions.com by Myron Turner bigQuestions.com mines web sites and library catalogues for words which signify "big" questions of philosophy and religion, and then creates a searchable database; currently it holds circa 65,000 library and 45,000 web entries. Typically, you search for terms other than the "big" terms to see how they live in the contexts of our culture, and then link to the web sites or library catalogues to [...]
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C-SPAN KARAOKE displays media that streams from public archives of the CSPAN.org website, along with karaoke tunes gleaned from various free offerings on the web. So, gather together with friends and loosen up those vocal cords...
While you are navigating the flows of numbing institutional processes, faithfully and invaluably [...]
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Homeland Insecurity Advisory System by Jonah Brucker-Cohen The Homeland Insecurity Advisory System (HIAS) is a public rating system that allows people from across the globe to determine the US Government's Threat Level by collectively rating RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) feeds from major US news sources. Turning the "Homeland Security" threat level on its head, the HIAS system will allow the people to collaboratively challenge this [...]
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[ineffable] by mary flanagan + andrew gerngross [ineffable] is a computer application which reads aggregated emails between two correspondents and maps the use of language through the words users utilize in everyday correspondence. The project explores the question, Do we have particular “voice” in our daily writing to friends and colleagues, and does that voice change depending on who we are writing to and why?
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