latest projects
Dasher by David MacKay, Inference Group, Cavendish Laboratory Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures.
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hexaDecimalClock by BlueScreen > About hexa decimal numbers.
> About hexaDecimalClock.
hexaDecimalClock is a BlueScreen software on-line application.
Copyright © [2002] [BlueScreen software] (www.b-l-u-e-s-c-r-e-e-n.[net/com])
Copyleft: this work is free, you can redistribute it and/or modify it according to terms of the Free [...]
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ARTificial Art: 4ever by Kurt Baumann 4ever uses random numbers and generative art principles to make "art" automatically. What's surprising is the contrast between the simplicity of the algorithms and the complexity of the resulting patterns....
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Homeland Security Threat Monitor by Greg Hewgill Keep up-to-the-minute with the current terrorism threat level in the U.S.! This handy application sits in your Windows system tray and displays the current terrorism threat level as set by the White House (red, orange, yellow, blue, or green). Real-time network technology isn't just for sports scores anymore - don't leave home without it!
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DeArt - DeCSS Art Contest (et al) by Tom Vogt and Various Authors In January and February 2000, in the case of Universal Studios vs. Reimerdes, et al., a US District Court judge prohibited distribution of the source code to DeCSS - software that reads encrypted DVD's. In doing so, the judge indicated that computer source code was too utilitarian to be entitled, as an "expression," to the usual First Amendment protections on free speech.*
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Desktop Subversibles by Jonah Brucker-Cohen As computers and the desktop metaphor reach virtual ubiquity in our daily lives, they also become objects we take for granted in daily use. The Desktop Subversibles application suite questions this ubiquity by focusing on standard desktop activities like copy/paste, mouse movements, and clicks and adding networked and physical outputs to highlight these mundane activities' collective and [...]
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Revision History 3.0 by Johnny DeKam `Revision History` is a networked collage application written by johnny deKam that autonomously downloads and composites images from the American Memory Collections Database with various raster effects.
The National Digital Library Program is an effort to digitize and deliver electronically the distinctive, historical Americana holdings at the Library of Congress. [...]
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forkwar by deprogramming.us A "forkbomb" is a computer algorithm that chases its tail, repeating and replicating itself until it eventually crashes the system.
Forkwar is a special "graphically-enhanced" forkbomb implementation that illustrates this process using the easy-to-understand example of U.S foreign policy! Crash your system - the patriotic way!
(Windows version runs only on Windows 2000, XP, and possibly NT 4. [...]
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Sound Room Composer by Rikard Lundstedt [Admin's Note 1 July 2005: This project no longer seems to exist at the external link. Unfortunately we have been unable to locate a new URL for it or contact the author.]
(To get a complete understanding of the work you need to know of two earlier works that led to the making this one.
You can read about them on these locations:
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firmament.to by Francis Hwang firmament.to is intended as an exploration of the promise of hypertext. It parses any publically available HTML page and turns every word it can into a link — click on a word and you are taken to a relevant page, as determined by Google. When every word is turned into a link, is that empowering or numbing? When context is stripped so callously from links, does that lay the seeds for chaos, or [...]
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SoundField by Arthur Clemens Visual audio mixer
The program's graphical representation of sound brings concepts to audio that are traditionally more related to other fields, such as proximity, boundary, overlap and placing.
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Googlism by Googlism.com Find out what the Web says about you
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Read_Me 1.2 Jury Statement by Amy Alexander, Cue P. Doll, Florian Cramer, RTMark, Alexei Shulgin.
Read_me 1.2 jury statement from spring 2002 is an important text on software art, giving some definitions, featuring works, and making some sense out of the field.
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SCREEN SAVER by Eldar Karhalev & Ivan Khimin The software on your computer has capabilities,
which are not only hidden from you the user, but also from the program writers themselves.
1. a work of contemporary art
2. decoration for your computer
3. the users' overcoming of the narrow framework, laid down by the software producers.
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.walk by socialfiction.org no software but walkware.
This tutorial shows the fundamental concepts that might be used to program a non-electric computer.
.walk is the name for the pedestrian software that will be used in the construction of a 'psychogeographical computer' which will use the city as hardware.
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