latest projects
9dots by Pierre DELMAS BOULY 9dots is an experimental project made with actionScript, php and xml.
In a few words, 9dots is a visual and sound device which enables you to publish a sequence of 8 images on which you can post or mask points. Each image of the sequence is built on a grid of 3 dots height by 3 dots width. You can create your sequence on www.9 [...]
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LYCAY (Let Your Code plAY) by Ilia Malinovsky Rhythm and music are the earliest and most natural forms of human self-expression; they are also methods of transmission and perception of information. Rhythm and music act not only on the level of consciousness, but also on the one of subconsciousness, creating images. Programming as a kind of art is a process of operating with pure semantic forms, which means the highest level of involvement of [...]
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Go-Logo by Eric Londaits In the future, the only way to be heard will be having a flashy logo, a catchy tune, and your own pop star endorsement. And I don't just mean for corporations... family dinner conversations will actually be like this as well.
Go-Logo will be the basic survival kit for that future.
Just enter a word (or two or three words, but not much more) and Go-Logo will instantly create a random unique [...]
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Outsource me! by Leonardo Solaas "Outsource me!" by Leonardo Solaas presents a competition within the competition of Readme 100. This ironic subversion is repeated on various levels of the project: it subverts the usual outsourcing relationships, as well as subverting the idea of the delegation of "technical" work by the "creative" artist to an “uncreative” programmer (or any "hands-on" person). [...]
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The Invisible Hand Machine by Renate Wieser, Julian Rohrhuber For the piece "Invisible Hand Machine", we have developed an economic model which implements a somewhat cartoonified, but serious functionality of a "free" market. Like maybe every cartoon, it exaggerates a mechanical model that ones mind produced as a description of how one sees the world.
Self-interest and competition, the basic forces of human society, are realized as the strive for [...]
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aPpRoPiRaTe! by Sven Koenig APpRoPiRaTe! is an attempt to appropriate movies found in file-sharing networks and turn them into art by revealing the real nature of such video files.
This software's aim is to hack a found video file by just changing the structure of the file to turn it into something visually completely different without any video processing.
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Towards a Permanently Temporary Software Art Factory by Javier Candeira Full title: Towards a Permanently Temporary Software Art Factory
(Notes for the Sustainability of Software Artifacts)
Packaging and distribution of free software art is the main focus and wish of this article.
It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 [...]
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System Stories and Model Worlds by Mitchell Whitelaw Full title: System Stories and Model Worlds: A Critical Approach To Generative Art
This text was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
" [...]
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Spam, the economy of desire by Alessandro Ludovico The following text researches spam, its history and working mechanisms.
It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
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Cosmolalia by Christophe Bruno This article introduces the future project cosmolalia.com. It was comissioned by the software art factory Readme 100 in Dortmund 2005 and is included into the resulting publication: Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany, 2005.
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Animated processor by Andrei Terechko “Animated processor” is a hardware microprocessor, which inherits various human qualities. Contemporary PC processors (like an Intel Pentium or IBM PowerPC) have an instruction set and state tailored towards computation. In contrast, the animated processor possesses a human-like “physiological” and “communicative” state comprised of the sleep_state, talk_state, drink_state and [...]
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Flickeur by Mario Klingemann Flickeur (pronounced like Voyeur) randomly
retrieves images from Flickr.com and creates an
infinite film with a style that can vary between
stream-of-consciousness, documentary or video clip. All the blends,
motions, zooms or timeleaps are completely random. Flickeur works like a
looped magnetic tape where incoming images will merge with older
materials and be [...]
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sowjet-unterzoegersdorf / the adventure-game / sector 1 / by monochrom >> Soviet-Unterzögersdorf -- The Adventure Game
For years monochrom has been occupied with the construction, analysis and reflexion of alternative worlds and models of recording history. monochrom projects are treating this field partly as a discussion with concepts deriving from popular culture, science and philosophy, partly as a direct reference to science fiction and fantasy fan culture. [...]
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un_wiki by wayne clements un_wiki gets quotes from Wikipedia the free encyclopedia's Deletion Log: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&type=delete
The Deletion Log is a list of all the pages that have abused Wiki's democratic remit; it is the last stop on the way to destruction.
It has small amounts of the offending texts. I use a Perl script to get them and throw away the rest.
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self-execute by Matej Smetana Self-executing file
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