latest projects
STICKYPHONE by flu/navn STICKYPHONE is a sound-toy to record and publish on-line audio messages. Every next message overwrites the previously stored one. Evry audio message has embeded ID3? information on it's author and date of creation. In contrast to the other messaging tools, here you have only one file which content is updateable from evryone.
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oversaturation by hernandez, werkhoven, acevedo THIS is an openGL based, 3D VIDEOGAME, exploring oversaturation through gameplay, visual, audio experience, and hardware load. Avaliable space is always at stake: be it media-space, mindspace or a purely physical space... OVERSATURATION is common in most global processes as the fluxes: material and linguistic evolve real time in shape and magnitude. [...]
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bugout by daniel c. howe 'bugout' is an interactive sound-environment based upon principles of reversible/energy-free computation. By adding & removing 'agents', each of which follow a simple ruleset, users affect a wide range of parameters in the resulting composition. Sound, created via real-time synthesis, occurs on collisions between agents as they follow their algorithmic trajectories. [...]
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formulas by Peter Luining name: formulas
artist: Peter Luining/ ctraltdel.org
type: photoshop & compatibles plug-in (win only)
description: package of 246 experimental plug-ins
info: "... especially the search for unexpected filters in a new series
called formulas, in which I forced myself to ignore my programming
knowledge and just started to type in code in a simple and stupid
looking way, by just adding [...]
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Plug-Ins Revised by Peter Luining Series of Photoshop and compatibles plugins that investigate function, use and character of plug-ins
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A Re-Declaration of Dependence - Software Art in a Cultural Context It Can't Get out of by Jacob Lillemose Author: The coining of the term ”software art” followed by festivals like Read_Me has opened up a wide range of discussions about the aesthetics of software art and its position within the field of contemporary art. The discussions tends to be divided between those who argue for an aesthetics that focuses on the formal and expressive qualities of software art and those who turn towards an [...]
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Read_me, Run_me, Execute_me: Software and Its Discontents... by Inke Arns Full Title: Read_me, Run_me, Execute_me: Software and Its Discontents: or It's the Performativity of Code, Stupid!
In the past two or so years the term generative art has become fashionable. It can be found in very different contexts, such as academic discourses, media art festivals, industrial design and architecture. [...]
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Coding Praxis: Reconsidering the Aesthetics of Code by Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, Adrian Ward Authors: An earlier collaborative paper The Aesthetics of Generative Code (2001) drew an analogy with poetry as a form that requires both reading and live spoken performance. Like poetry, it is clear that code can have aesthetic value both in its written form and in its execution. The paper argued that any separation of code and the resultant actions would simply limit the aesthetic experience [...]
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Mise en Abyme in Software Art: a Comment to Florian Cramer by Troels Degn Johansson Author: This text applies the concept of mise en abyme in order to analyse software art’s exploration of representational problems in the computer medium. According to comparative literature, the use of the literary trope of mise en abyme (the “staging of an abyss” cf. André Gide’s pun on the French expressions mise en scène, staging; and the word abyme, abyss) has, in experimental [...]
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A Glimpse Beyond Search Engines. "Verb thou art, and unto verb shalt thou return" by Cristophe Bruno Author: In the present paper, I describe briefly some projects (that do not exist as yet) which one can see either as possible utilitarian global structures or as art-fiction pieces subverting these structures. I’m not going to distinguish between the two, as their development is not advanced enough. These projects are in progress on iterature.com and you will just find a foretaste here.
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Live Algorithm Programming and a Temporary Organisation for Its Promotion by A. Alexander, N. Collins, D. Griffiths, A. McLean, F. Olofsson, J. Rohrhuber, A.Ward Authors: We can do better than almost.
Live computer music and visual performance can now involve interactive control of algorithmic processes. In normal practise, the interface for such activity is determined before the concert. In a new discipline of live coding or on-the-fly programming the control structures of the algorithms themselves are malleable at run-time. [...]
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Lego for a Meta-Theory of Meta-Art-Forms by Andreas Leo Findeisen Full title: (Mostly WestEastern-European Theoretical Blabla-) Lego for a Meta-Theory of Meta-Art-Forms
Author: The history of ideas consists of THEORIES, about the psychology of the human imagination or the functions of the brain, about the nature of human work, about the development of religious and secular world -views, about the fall and decline of indian or european culture, about the [...]
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Digital Objects by Matthew Fuller Author: This paper presents an analysis of a group of social software projects including Nine by Harwood for Mongrel, OPUS Commons by Raqs Media Collective, and Spring_Alpha by a team lead by Simon Yuill alongside a number of other projects. These are all network-based applications that are aimed at use in workshop situations, and all to some degree or other involve reflexive work on the nature [...]
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No Carrier and Other Stories from Philippine BBS Culture by Fatima Lasay Author: In this paper, I will discuss the place and importance of ideological and political forces in the analysis of the development of a very small but significant networked software art and culture in the Philippines, beginning with the creative programmer-artists' culture within local Bulletin Board Systems from 1994 to the present time. [...]
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The World According to the Web by Douwe Osinga and Ernst Wit Authors: Much has been said about the World Wide Web. It was developed at CERN for high-particle physics to share information among researchers and it is currently seen as an information resource on a larger scale. Google and other search engines in this “big telephone directory”-paradigm are simply more or less efficient tools to find pieces of specific information among many pieces of [...]
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