latest projects
Nanovoice by Oliver Wittchow, Julian Rohrhuber Nanovoice is an additive sound synthesis implementation for Nintendo Gameboy.
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real time contextual art generator by Don Relyea The Real Time Contextual Art Generator is an application that searches for recent contextual imagery (using google images) based on user input from the internet and real time algorithmically composes a layout from those results. Your results are filtered according to your google filtering options. You can save your designs in jpeg format. [...]
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Map-o-matix by Yves Degoyon / Sergio Moreno / Jaume Nualart and more Map-o-matix is a collaborative environment for creating and editing maps, the maps can contain physical elements ( oils ressources, telecomunication antenas, ...) as well as abstract ones ( human organisations, web sites, rss, ... ) and relations between these entities. Behind this tool is the idea of editing and publishing tactical maps, maps that are not only physical but also the maps of [...]
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TV-BOT - World News as soon as it happens! by Marc Lee Hi Dear Surfer!
I'm a Live Stream TV-Bot.
Just call me TV-Bot.
I'm presenting you the live coverage of the Latest World News!
I'm created by Marc Lee for 56k Bastard TV Channel.
Inke Arns: The ultimately latest news from the world’s definitely most up to date television station.
Switch on your TV. Switch to TV-Bot. TV Bot will bring the latest world news to your home sweet home. [...]
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UPDATE `me` by tats UPDATE `me` is a project that deals with information's life cycle.
The user comes upon a webpage that shows a piece of text. She can choose to leave it, modify it, or replace it with something new. When doing so, the old piece of text is utterly annihilated, without any possibility of backing up. Every time the site is thus updated, a timestamped "tombstone" is added to a log in one of the [...]
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Soundmaps by Jan de Weille Soundmaps makes music out of your desktop actions. Soundmaps translates a part of the bitmap image on your desktopn into sound. Drawing, typing, surfing, playing a movie etc. will constantly change the sound. Hence, you can make your own music while working.
Soundmaps has 6 different modes and is very easy to install and use.
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Olly by Amy Alexander/Deprogramming.us Olly (Open Lingo Something Something) allows software written using Lingo (Macromedia Director's scripting language) to be used by people who don't have a copy of Director. Thus it transforms a proprietary development environment into an open source one. Olly is itself written in Lingo, using standard Lingo commands.
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Sound and Energy by Santiago Ortiz 11 interactive Works on sound. Some of them are very simple, others more complex, but all are very Inter-related. All this pieces conforms an investigation of relations between sound and space, dynamics, energy and interactivite. They are classified in 5 categories -every píece could have more than one categorie asociated-: - binaural: sounds in space; each sound intensitie is in relation with [...]
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spheres by Santiago Ortiz Spheres shaped by dialogue, a net of semantical combinations. The richness of words consists in their relations with one another. A single pair of words placed together is enough to create narrative, reflections, theories, poetry, humour, or even the arbitrary…
Spheres is a project in constant evolution. [...]
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Photo Noise by Steve or Steven Read This software democratically curates an endless art show of found digital photographs. Using an algorithm that prioritizes both a consistency of form and a variation of content, it generates a pulse of the world. The algorithm uses the popular google-api to search in real-time for photos of various camera types: sony, canon, kodak, casio, nokia cell phones, etc. [...]
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Autodrawn: Sketching landscapes seen through my windows by Pall Thayer Autodrawn is a project that uses software that downloads images from the web and creates a realtime "pencil drawing" of the image.
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Real Time Image Generator Programs by Bogdan Soban This is one example of generative art designed program in Visual Basic developed in the year 2004. It contains the great part of algorithms used in different smaller programs developed before and it represents a kind of summary of my project until this moment. Generally it generates absolutely abstract pictures with some exceptions that remember to the real world: landscapes, plants, sunsets, [...]
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fluxus by dave griffiths fluxus is a 3D live coding environment for graphical performance. the scheme code is written overlayed on the same window as the rendered output, this way the software code is visible as it is being created during a performance.
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noise pattern by dave griffiths a musical sequencer operated by live programming of formal grammars (an l system) to produce strings of text that are, in turn, interpreted as musical scores.
the project itself also represents the use of a cvs repository as an artists workshop, where code is developed without releases, but tagged by it's use, so that each performance of the code can be captured as a snapshot of a continuous [...]
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Scream by Amy Alexander/deprogramming.us Scream is a software application to facilitate screaming.
Scream sits quietly in your computer's system tray and automatically springs into action when it detects a scream.
Scream disturbs your Windows interface. But it isn't aimed just at computer frustrations. In a world where "anger" is paired with "management," Scream encourages the return to prominence of the lost art of screaming. [...]
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